The characteristics of spanish mackerel dry skin collagen hydrolisate with papain enzyme
Isolasi dan karakterisasi kolagen dari kulit ikan salmon (Salmo salar) menggunakan enzim papain
Physicochemical Characteristics of Papain Soluble Collagen from Tuna (Thunnus sp.) Swim Bladder
Peptone characteristics from eel (Anguilla bicolor) viscera as a nutrient for bacterial growth
Characterization of papain-soluble collagen from swim bladder sea catfish with variations in alkali pretreatment and extractant ratio
Extraction and determination characteristics of swim bladder collagen in pink ear emperor fish (Lethrinus lentjan)
Integration of Low Temperature Centrifugation with Optimization of Tuna Eye Oil Enzymatic Extraction Using Response Surface Methodology
Collagen Extraction of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) Skin Using Pepsin and Papain
Effect of fish oil on the histopathology of liver in mice induced by azoxymethane and dextran sodium sulfate
Depolymerization of Chitosan from Shrimp Shell Using Papain Enzyme and Ultraviolet Light Irradiation
Isolation of heparin from tuna viscera (Thunnus sp.)
Antioxidant activity of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Skin Collagen Hydrolizate