Pengaruh perbedaan waktu ekstraksi terhadap karakteristik kalsium Halimeda opuntia The effect of different extraction time on the characteristics of calcium from Halimeda opuntia
Halimeda opuntia is a type of green algae that is abundant in calcium carbonate. The extraction process for calcium from H. opuntia, particularly regarding the extraction duration, has not yet been fully optimized. This study aims to determine the optimal extraction time for calcium from H. opuntia by evaluating parameters such as calcium content, color, microstructure, particle size, and the presence of chemical functional groups. The method used in this study was a completely randomized design (CRD) with a single factor: extraction time with three treatments (1, 2, and 3 hours). The sol-gel method was used for extraction. The parameters were analyzed for yield, calcium content, moisture, ash, protein, color, particle size, microstructure (SEM), and chemical functional groups (FTIR). The results indicated that extraction time significantly affected yield, calcium content, ash content, lightness (L*), redness/greenness (a*), yellowness/blueness (b*), ΔE, and whiteness index (WI). The optimal extraction time was determined to be 1 hour, producing the highest calcium content of 30.79±0.56%. The best treatment also yielded values of 24.11±0.57% for yield, 3.36±0.56% for moisture, 81.76±0.36% for ash, and 0.90±0.10% for protein. The color parameters L*, a*, b*, ΔE, and WI were recorded as 83.83±0.65, 0.34±0.05, 8.84±0.21, 13.01±0.48, and 84.29±0.65, respectively. Prolonged extraction times increased the yield but caused a decline in calcium content and resulted in a more pronounced yellowish coloration. The sample that was extracted for one hour had a rough, spherical surface with particles that were not clumped together and were all the same size, 3.25 nm. FTIR analysis showed that calcium carbonate was present, with signature absorption peaks found at 1,407.1 cm⁻³ and 872.2 cm⁻³. We concluded that an extraction time of 1 hour is sufficient for efficient calcium extraction from H. opuntia.
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