Karakteristik pepton dari limbah jeroan ikan sidat (Anguilla bicolor) sebagai nutrien untuk pertumbuhan bakteri Peptone characteristics from eel (Anguilla bicolor) viscera as a nutrient for bacterial growth
Eel viscera (Anguilla bicolor) waste from by-products of production is generally not used properly. The utilization of eel viscera waste needs to be processed because the protein content is high enough that it has the potential to utilize one of the products that have high economic value, namely fish peptone. This study was aimed to determine the optimum hydrolysis conditions of eel viscera hydrolysate using papain enzyme, to determine the chemical characteristics of eel viscera peptone and to apply eel viscera peptone as a medium for bacterial growth to be compared with commercial peptone. Peptone is made by hydrolysis process using papain enzyme with a time of 5 hours and a temperature of 60oC. The optimum concentration obtained with the use of the papain enzyme is 1,000 U/mg/g. The protein content of the peptone eel viscera is 82.1%, with a fat content of 0.93%. The peptone characteristics of eel viscera include 99.9% solubility; total nitrogen 13.12%; salt content 0.15%; and pH 6. Eel viscera peptone can be used as a nutrient in Escherichia coli bacteria growth media with a higher optical density (OD) value when compared to commercial peptone bactopeptone, but lower growth value when used on growth media for Staphylococcus aureus bacteria.
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