Nutritional value, calcium content, and hedonic of nugget from stingray (Dasyatis sp.) with addition latoh seaweed (Caulerpa sp.)
Chemical characteristics and functional properties of fish protein concentrate (FPC) and catfish bone meal
Effect of adding Sargassum sp. and Ulva lactuca flour on the acceptance and nutritional value of kaasstengels cookies
The effects of addition of salted boiled fish wastewater on the physicochemical and sensory profile of nori-like product from Ulva lactuca
Application of edible coating carrageenan with curcuma and chitosan addition on the bone-pulled milkfish
Physical, chemical and sensory quality of canned lemuru (Sardinella sp.) during the storage period at PT X, Pengambengan, Bali
Isolasi dan karakterisasi kolagen dari kulit ikan salmon (Salmo salar) menggunakan enzim papain