Ekstraksi Kolagen Kulit Ikan Tuna Sirip Kuning (Thunnus albacares) menggunakan Enzim Pepsin dan Papain Collagen Extraction of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) Skin Using Pepsin and Papain
Collagen is a long-chain protein rich in alanine, arginine, lysine, glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline. Collagen is a connective tissue protein that can be extracted from fish skin waste. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of the collagen extracted by the enzymatic method. The research was divided into two stages, namely the extraction stage of the pepsin enzyme from the stomach of yellowfin tuna and the extraction stage of tuna skin collagen using the enzymatic method. The pepsin enzyme extracted from the stomach of yellowfin tuna had a specific activity value of 8,680 U / mg. The best soaking time with NaOH was 12 hours. Hydrolysis time of skin with acetic acid was 72 hours. Papain soluble collagen has a molecular weight of 310 kDa, amide functional groups A, B, I, II, and III, with a yield of 2,13%. Pepsin soluble collagen partly weighed 328 kDa, amide functional groups A, I, II, and III, with a yield of 0,8%.
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