Karakteristik papain soluble collagen gelembung renang ikan manyung dengan variasi praperlakuan alkali dan rasio ekstraktan Characterization of papain-soluble collagen from swim bladder sea catfish with variations in alkali pretreatment and extractant ratio

Rahmadiana Utami, Wini Trilaksani, Safrina Dyah Hardiningtyas


Collagen is a crucial biomaterial in multiple sectors of Indonesia, yet its procurement remains heavily reliant on imports. Catfish swim bladders are considered valuable sources of collagen. It is crucial to optimize the extraction process to obtain a higher yield, which is influenced by variables such as the pretreatment time and sample-to-extractant ratio. This study aimed to maximize the duration of alkali soaking and investigate the influence of various alkali types and extractant-to-sample ratios on collagen extraction from sea catfish swim bladders. This study was comprised of two phases. The first phase involved determining the optimal soaking time in an alkaline solution (KOH). The second phase involved papain-soluble collagen extraction for 48 h, with variations in alkali (KOH and NaOH 0.05 M) and sample-to-extractant ratios (1:10, 1:20, 1:30, w/v). Papain enzyme at 5,000 U/g in 0.5 M acetic acid was utilized as the extractant. The parameters analyzed included fish proportion, proximate amino acids, protein concentration, yield, thermal stability, functional groups, molecular weight, and zeta potential. The data indicate that the sea catfish swim bladder possesses a percentage of 4.08%, and its protein content is 33.58±0.11%. The bladder contains characteristic amino acids, such as proline (29.2 mg/g), alanine (28.9 mg/g), and hydroxyproline (18.18 mg/g). The most suitable duration for alkali soaking using potassium hydroxide (KOH) was determined to be 6 h. Furthermore, the most effective method for extracting papain-soluble collagen involved alkali pretreatment using sodium hydroxide (NaOH) for 6 h with a sample extractant ratio of 1:20 (w/v). The yield of collagen obtained was 35.31±0.65%, which displayed characteristic amide groups (A, B, I, II, and III), an electrophoresis pattern consisting of α1, α2, and β, a maximum transition temperature of 33.06°C, and a zeta potential of +32 mV.


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Rahmadiana Utami
urahmadiana@gmail.com (Primary Contact)
Wini Trilaksani
Safrina Dyah Hardiningtyas
UtamiR., TrilaksaniW., & HardiningtyasS. D. (2024). Karakteristik papain soluble collagen gelembung renang ikan manyung dengan variasi praperlakuan alkali dan rasio ekstraktan: Characterization of papain-soluble collagen from swim bladder sea catfish with variations in alkali pretreatment and extractant ratio . Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 27(3), 223-241. https://doi.org/10.17844/jphpi.v27i3.49968

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