1. Authors must follow the Submission Preparation Checklist and the Article Template provided by JPHPI when submitting a manuscript. They should also submit the Declaration of Originality together with the manuscript.
2. The manuscript will undergo screening for plagiarism via Turnitin software. Submissions with a similarity exceeding 25% will be rejected.
3. Editor in Chief will assign the manuscript to a corresponding Section Editor for further handling.
4. After passing administrative screening, the Chief Editor and Associate Editor will conduct a prequalification review of submitted papers to determine their suitability for further review.
5. Manuscripts that do not align with JPHPI's scope, fail to meet its standards (due to incomplete data, inappropriate methodology, or lack of novelty), or do not adhere to JPHPI's author guidelines may be rejected without review.
6. If the manuscript falls within the scope of the journal, the Section Editor will request a minimum of two reviewers to evaluate it. In cases where the primary reviewers hold conflicting opinions, additional reviewers will be assigned. All manuscripts undergo a double-blind peer review to safeguard anonymity and maintain academic rigor. The Section Editor and Editor in Chief will make the final decision on the manuscript after consulting the reviewers' comments. The open journal system governs the peer review process.