Indonesian Fisheries Processing Journal
- The research manuscript must be original, unpublished or not under review in any scientific journal or media, and will not be submitted to any media during the review process.
- Submitted manuscripts are research results, covering the following research topics: biochemistry of aquatic products, biotechnology of aquatic products, processing and diversification of aquatic products, characteristics of aquatic product raw materials, and quality of aquatic products.
- The journal is published monthly, each issue will publish 7 articles.
- Authors can suggest names of reviewers to the editor. However, the decision to review remains with the editor.
- Complete publication payment of Rp2,000,000 or 200 US$ for foreign author(s) for each article accepted for publication to Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) account 2008045940 in the name of Nurjanah. Manuscripts that are processed are manuscripts that have completed all publishing administration (originality letter and proof of payment).
- Manuscripts are written in Indonesian or English and use standard scientific writing according to the rules of the fifth edition of the Indonesian Spelling Improvement (EYD) (2022) in the form of effective and efficient sentences with the S-P-O-K pattern (subject predicate object and description).
- Manuscripts are made in Microsoft Office Word (.doc or .docx) or open office (.odt) format except for graphics attaching Microsoft Excel (.xls) program and JPG, TIFF, PDF, or EPS format images with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
- Manuscripts are written using Times New Roman font with 12pt size, except: title (14pt), author name and institution (11pt), abstract (10pt).
- Manuscripts are double-spaced except for the Title, Abstract, Tables, Title of Graphs/Pictures, which are single-spaced. Manuscripts are in A4 paper format, and the right, left, top, bottom margins are 2.5 cm and 1 column.
- Tables, Graphs, and Figures must be placed in the manuscript, written using English language.
- Use page numbers.
- Manuscript content contains: Title, Author's name, institution and e-mail, Abstract, Introduction, Research Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments (if any), and Bibliography, as well as Figure and Table Titles.
8.Manuscripts must be submitted through the online system to here.
- Authors who are unable to submit their manuscripts through the online system, can send them via email
- The title should be concise, straightforward, specific and informative in accordance with the theme of the manuscript. The maximum length of the Indonesian title is 15 words. The title is written in Indonesian and English using capital letters with 14pt size, bold Times New Roman font and centered position.
- Author, the author's name is written in full (not abbreviated), without title and professional position such as Prof, Dr, MSc, MS, Manager, etc. The author's name is printed in bold with 12pt Times New Roman. The author's name as correspondence (e-mail) is given an asterisk (*).
- Institution, the name of the institution is written in full including full address, telephone number, and e-mail. Size 11 pt Times New Roman. Different institutions are marked by numbering the author's name and writing the institution.
- Abstract is written in two languages, Indonesian and English in the form of one paragraph and no more than 250 words. The abstract contains a brief introduction (without literature), research objectives, methods, results, and conclusions in a concise and clear manner. Size 10 pt Times New Roman with 1 space.
- Keywords are written in no more than five words and arranged alphabetically, in the form of important words from the manuscript.
- Introduction Contains the background of the importance of the research, roadmap, and at the end of the paragraph clearly and measurably written the purpose of the research conducted. Use Indonesian language according to the rules of the fifth edition of the Indonesian Spelling Improvement (EYD) (2022) in the form of effective and efficient sentences with the S-P-O-K pattern (subject predicate object and description). [Times New Roman 12, justify, double-spaced].
- Materials and Methods Procedures, experiment design, and data analysis should be clearly written. If the procedure is standardized, then it is sufficient to include the source of the literature only. The materials and tools of each procedure are written specific eg: H3BO4 2% (Merck), micro pipette (Thermo Scientific Vantaa, Finland) [Times New Roman 12, justify, double space]
- Results and Discussion. Data should be organized in an integrated and coherent sequence so that the discussion develops clearly and logically. Data may be presented in tables and figures. Explanations of the data must be discussed in the discussion. The method of writing numbers based on the tool is written according to the accuracy of the tool, while if the calculation results are written two numbers behind the comma.
- The conclusion is an answer to the research objectives and not a summary of the results obtained. The conclusion is written in one paragraph.
- Acknowledgments (if any) are used to express gratitude to funders or parties (institutions/personnel) who have collaborated or contributed.
- Bibliography
- The bibliography is required to use a minimum of 80% primary literature (journals and patents).
- The bibliography must be organized alphabetically using the APA Referencing Style (7thth Edition).
- JPHPI encourage author to use Reference Manager software such as Zotero, JabRef, DocEar, Mendeley, Endnote, or other.
The citation style is APA Referencing Style (7th Edition). In APA format, indirect quotations are written in sentences/text by stating the author's name and year of publication, without writing the page of the work cited.
- Example of writing a journal bibliography with DOI
Fitrial, Y., & Khotimah, I. K. (2017). Aktivitas antibakteri dari melanin tinta sotong dan cumi-cumi. Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 20(2), 266–274.
Lei, M., Xue, C. H., Wang, Y. M., Li, Z. J., Xue, Y., & Wang, J. F. (2008). Effect of squid ink melanin Fe on iron deficiency anemia remission. Journal of Food Science, 73(8), H207–H211.
- Example of writing a bibliography for a book
Nurhayati, T., Nugraha, R., & Nurjanah. (2017). Fisiologi, formasi, dan degradasi metabolit hasil perairan. PT Penerbit IPB Press.
Nurjanah, Abdullah, A., Sudirman, S., & Tarman, K. (2014). Pengetahuan dan karakteristik bahan baku hasil perairan. PT Penerbit IPB Press..
- Example of writing a bibliography for a book chapter
Fleurence, J., Morancais, & Dumay, J. (2017). Seaweed protein. In R. Y. Yada (Ed.), Proteins in food processing (2nd ed., pp. 245-262). Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition.
- Example of writing a bibliography for seminar proceedings
Nurjanah., Suwandi, R., Anwar, E., Maharany, F., & Hidayat, T. (2020, Agustus 05-06). Characterization and formulation of sunscreen from seaweed Padina australis and Eucheuma cottonii slurry [Conference session]. The 4th EMBRIO International Symposium; EIS 2019 and the 7th International Symposium Technologists Association, Bogor, Indonesia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science.
- Examples of writing a bibliography for a thesis or dissertation
Jatmiko, P. D. (2018). Karakteristik ekstrak kasar pepsin ikan tuna sirip kuning (Thunnus albacares). [Skripsi]. Institut Pertanian Bogor.
Seulalae, A. V. (2023). Potensi pencegah hipertensi dan profil sensori garam rumput laut Sargassum polycystum dan Ulva lactuca. [Thesis]. Institut Pertanian Bogor.
Saraswasti. (2020). Bioactive profiling of Sargassum cristaefolium lipid-soluble extract and fraction from Indonesia with their in-vitro anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity evaluation. [Dissertasion]. Institut Pertanian Bogor.
- Example of citation writing
Type of writer |
Quotes in brackets |
Narrative excerpt |
One author |
(Luna, 2020) |
Luna (2020) |
Two authors |
(Amin & Joko, 2019) |
Amin & Joko (2019) |
Three or more authors |
(Anugrah et al., 2021) |
Anugrah et al. (2021) |
Group of authors with abbreviations |
First quote |
(National Standardization Agency [BSN], 2018) |
- |
Next quote |
(BSN, 2018) |
- |
Group of authors without abbreviation |
(Stanford University, 2020) |
- |
Example of citation on the text
- Ekspor ikan sidat di Indonesia menduduki peringkat ke-7 di dunia (Food and Agriculture Organization [FAO], 2020).
- Berbagai penelitian lain telah menggunakan enzim papain untuk proses hidrolisis, di antaranya yaitu hidrolisis jeroan ikan tongkol (Saputra & Nurhayati, 2013), dan ikan kerong (Srikandace et al., 2017).
- Hafiludin (2015) menyatakan bahwa ikan bandeng air tawar dan air payau memiliki komposisi kimia kadar air 75,85% dan 70,78%, kadar abu 2,81% dan 1,41%, protein 20,50% dan 24,17%, lemak 0,72% dan 0,85%, dan karbohidrat (by difference) 0,11% dan 2,78%.
Full instruction, please download at here (in English) or here (in Bahasa) while the article's template should be downloaded from the sidebar or here.
I declare that this manuscript is my/our original work and it is submitted for first publication to Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan. The letter should be download here