Sifat sensori dan fisikokimia bakso ikan kurisi (Nemipterus nemurus) dari formulasi tepung sukun dan tapioka
Isolation of chlorophyll a and analysis of antioxidant activity from microalgae C. vulgaris
Physicochemical characteristics of wet noodles substitution of different types of fish with the addition of egg white powder (EWP)
Exploration of enzymatic activity of marine endophyte fungi and its application for chitosan hydrolysis
Physicochemical and functional characteristics of Sargassum polycystum flour as raw material for production of functional salt
Physical characteristics of cellulose from seaweed Chaetomorpha crassa extracted at different temperatures
Production of microalgae single-cell protein (Chlorella vulgaris) using broiler chicken waste and its application in feeds
Physical stability and irritation peel-off mask products from H. scabra, A. Marina extracts, and bittern