Pengaruh penambahan tepung Sargassum sp. dan Ulva lactuca terhadap penerimaan dan nilai gizi kue kastengel Effect of adding Sargassum sp. and Ulva lactuca flour on the acceptance and nutritional value of kaasstengels cookies
Sargassum sp. and Ulva lactuca seaweed are recognized for their elevated concentrations of dietary fiber. This dietary fiber can provide nourishment to the digestive tract and promote a prolonged feeling of fullness. Kaasstengel cookies are calorie-dense snacks; therefore, supplementary ingredients are required to enhance their nutritional content, particularly dietary fiber. The objective of this study was to identify the most effective combination of Sargassum sp. and U. lactuca seaweed flour for kaasstengel cookies, considering their preference level, nutritional value, and predicted dietary fiber content. This study employed four treatments: P0, which served as the control group without the inclusion of Sargassum sp. and U. lactuca flour; P1, which included Sargassum sp. flour at a concentration of 1.13%; P2, which included U. lactuca flour at a concentration of 1.13%; and P3, which included a combination of Sargassum sp. flour and U. lactuca at a concentration of 0.56%. The evaluated characteristics consisted of hedonic, proximate, and predictive tests for dietary fiber. The findings indicated that the inclusion of Sargassum sp. flour and U. lactuca had an impact on the preference level, proximate value, and predictive dietary fiber content of kaasstengels. The optimal formulation in P2 exhibited ash content values of 2.51±0.03%db, fat content of 34.29±0.34%db, protein content of 5.89±0.32%db, carbohydrate content of 57.31±0.01%db, and a predictive dietary fiber content of 1.65% w/w. This formulation was chosen by the panelists for all evaluated parameters. Incorporating kelp flour into the recipe can elevate the amounts of ash, protein, and dietary fiber while diminishing the preference for kaasstengel cookies.
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