Aplikasi edible coating karagenan dengan penambahan kunyit dan kitosan pada bandeng cabut duri Application of edible coating carrageenan with curcuma and chitosan addition on the bone-pulled milkfish
Milkfish with their bones removed were prepared by extracting spines with tweezers. Edible coatings are applied to items to preserve their shelf life, particularly when stored at low temperatures. Although additional materials have commonly been employed as preservatives in edible coatings, the utilization of extracted turmeric and chitosan to extend the shelf life of products has not been documented. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of incorporating turmeric extract and chitosan into a carrageenan edible coating on the quality of plucked whitefish during refrigerated storage. The butterfly filleted milkfish were coated with edible carrageenan. Treatment A involved adding 25% turmeric extract to the coating, whereas Treatment B involved adding 25% turmeric extract and 1.5% chitosan to the coating. The fish were kept at a low temperature for a duration of eight days and were subjected to analysis for TPC, TVBN, pH, color, and sensory evaluation every two days. The findings demonstrate that the application of an edible coating has a significant impact on the duration for which products can be stored without spoilage. When chitosan was added to edible coatings, it effectively extended the shelf life of items by eight days compared to edible coatings containing only turmeric. The addition of chitosan resulted in a TPC value of 4.5×105 Cfu/g, TVBN of 11.16 mg/100 g, and pH of 5.9. The color test values were as follows: L = 59.13, a = 13.65, and b = 38.21. After eight days of storage, the flesh had a slightly dull and segmented appearance, with a compactness value of 7.33. It smelled fresh but not specifically, products with a value of 7.13. The milkfish texture was somewhat dense, compact, and elastic with a value of 7.46.
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