Sensory and physicochemical properties of threadfin bream (Nemipterus nemurus) meatballs from breadfruit and tapioca flour formulations Sifat sensori dan fisikokimia bakso ikan kurisi (Nemipterus nemurus) dari formulasi tepung sukun dan tapioka
Fish meatballs require fillers to produce high-quality meat products. Tapioca is often used as a filler in meatballs, but has a low nutritional content. Breadfruit flour can be used as an alternative meatball filler because it contains high amylose, amylopectin, and fiber contents. This study aimed to determine the best formulation of threadfin bream fish meatballs with the addition of breadfruit and tapioca flour based on sensory, physical, and chemical properties and compliance with SNI 7266:2014. The breadfruit and tapioca flour formulation consisted of six treatments (%): (0: 15), (3:12), (6:9), (9:6), (12:3), and (15:0). The parameters analyzed included sensory tests, ash content, moisture, hardness, springiness, and cohesiveness. The best treatment was continued with the analysis of the protein and crude fiber content. The results showed that the formulation of breadfruit and tapioca flour significantly affected the sensory, physical, and chemical properties of threadfin bream fish meatballs. The best formulation is the treatment of 3% breadfruit flour and 12% tapioca with an appearance score of 7.62 (smooth surface, no cavities, bright), aroma 7.75 (typical of fish), taste 8.00 (typical of fish meatballs), texture 7.83 (dense, compact, chewy), hedonic taste 7.63 (very much like), overall acceptance 7.39 (like), moisture 68.02%, ash 2.22%, crude fiber 0.71%, and protein 11.38% in accordance with SNI 7266:2014. This formulation also produced a hardness value of 295.50 N, springiness value of 12.57 mm, and cohesiveness value of 1.22 mm. The higher the concentration of breadfruit flour, the lower the sensory and physical values and the higher the ash content of kurisi fish meatballs.
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