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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The manuscript file is prepared in Microsoft Word, 1.5 spaced with type of font is Arial 11 and A4 paper. All graphics and figures should be prepared in separate sheet using Excel program and included in the soft copy of manuscript
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the format APA style.
  • When submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

  • Minimum 80% of the cited references should be from the refereed journal articles published within the last 10 years. In addition, three of them should be published within the last 3 years, as minimum requirement.
  • The title of manuscript has been written effectively with affiliates and author's address have been written in full.
  • A filled Authors Agreement Declaration in PDF file format must be included in the submission.


Author Fee

Starting from Volume 35 Number 2 2024, article publication fees (APC): 1,000,000 (IDR) per article up to 5 pages. Additional page will be charged 50,000 (IDR) per page. This journal has no print version.

Article publication charge (APC) or article publication fee is applied once it is accepted for a publication in this journal. Publishing fee or waiver status does not influence editorial decision making.


Submission Charge

Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan does not apply any submission charge.


Focus and Scope:

Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan (JTIP) or Journal of Food Technology and Industry is peer-reviewed and open access journal, focuses on publishing original and recent research manuscripts or invited advanced manuscripts dealing with food science, food technology, nutrition, and food industry especially from tropical resources.

The Journal welcomes research manuscripts in food chemistry, food microbiology, food biochemistry, food processing and preservation, food engineering, food safety, nutrition and quality, as well as their applications in food industries.


Types of manuscript

Research article

A research article is an original full-length research paper which should not exceed 6.000 words (including table and figures). Researcharticle should be prepared according to the following order: title, authors name and affiliations, abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and method, result and discussion, conclusion, acknowledgement (optional), and references.

Review article

Review article is for invited author who has h-index (Scopus) 10 or above and has publications in a specific research area within the last five years. The review article provides a balanced overview of the research area, and should not exceed 7500 words (excluding abstract and references). Review articles aim to provide a critical and comprehensive assessment of published material to gain new insights.


The authors are fully responsible for accuracy of the content. Any correspondence regarding the manuscript will be addressed to the correspondent author who is clearly stated including his/her email address, telephone and fax number (including area code), and the complete mailing address.


Preparation of the manuscript

  1. The manuscript should be written in a good English or Indonesian language. It must be type written on A4 paper by using Microsoft Word processor with Arial 11 font and 1.5 spaced. Manuscript in English may not include abstract in Indonesian language. Manuscript in Indonesian language must provide table(s) and figure(s) with legends in both English and Indonesian language.
  2. All graphics and table should be prepared in separate pages.
  3. If the manuscritpt has been presented in scientific meeting, please mention in the footnote the detail about  the meeting (name of conference, date, place).
  4. When animal/human subject is involved in the in-vivo study, ethical clearance should be included in the manuscript by stating the number of ethical approval obtained from ethic committee.


Guideline for the manuscript content


Title, Author(s) name, Affiliation

  1. The title of the article should be brief and informative (max.10 words).
  2. The title is written all  in capitalize each word.
  3. Corresponding author should be marked with asterisk symbol.
  4. The institution where authors are affiliated should be completely written (Laboratory/department, institution name and address with city and country).



  1. Abstract written in one paragraph in English and the Indonesian language (in italics), Abstract is not more than 250 words.
  2. The abstract should state briefly background, objective, material and method, the main findings supported by quantitative data which is relevant to the title, and the major conclusions.



The keywords consists of no more than 5 important words representing the content of the article and can be used as internet searching words and arranged in alphabetical order.



The introduction states background of the research supported mainly by the relevant references and ended with the objectives of the research.


Materials and Methods

  1. The materials used should include manufacturer name (with country) and source.
  2. The reagents and equipment or instruments used should include the type/model and  manufacturer name (with contry) written in this section.
  3. The methods used in the study should be explained in detail to allow the work to be reproduced. Reference should be cited if the method had been published.
  4. Specification of the instruments and equipments (except for glass wares) should also be mentioned clearly.


Results and Discussion

  1. The title of tables and figures should be numbered consecutively according to their appearance in the text.
  2. The discussion of the results should be supported by relevant references.
  3. Decimals numbers adjusted to the type of analysis. Their units refer to international system of units (SI)
  4. The data presented figures and tables must Standard Deviation (SD) or Standard Error of Mean (SEM).
  5. A brief explanationon methods for sampling replication and statictical analysis is required in the methods section.



Conclusionis drawn based on the result, discussion, and the objectives of the research.


Acknowledgement (if necesary)

Acknowledgement contains the institution name of funding body/grants/sponsors or institution which provides facilities for the research project, or persons who assisted in technical work and manuscript preparation



  1. References are arranged in alphabetical. 
  2. Title of references are only written in capital letter for the initial letter of the first word.
  3. Year, volume and pages should be completely written. 
  4. Reference from the internet is written along with the date accessed.
  5. Minimum 80% of the cited references should be from the refereed journal articles published within the last 10 years. In addition, three of them should be published within the last 3 years, as minimum requirement.
  6. DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number should be mentioned, if applicable.
  7. The name of journal/bulletin is written using standard abbreviation according to APA (American Psychological Association).


Hadiansyah, F., Hunaefi, D., Yuliana, N. D., Fuhrmann, P., Smetanska, I., & Yasuda, S. (2023). Sensory profiling of indonesian white tea using quantitative descriptive analysis. Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan, 34(2), 179–186. https://doi.org/10.6066/jtip.2023.34.2.179

[BPOM] Badan Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan. (2021). Peraturan Badan Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan Nomor 26 Tahun 2021 Tentang Informasi Nilai Gizi pada Label Pangan Olahan. Jakarta: Badan Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan.

Ambarwati, K. (2022). Karakteristik mi ubi jalar substitusi pati sagu atau pati ubi banggai dan fortifikasi dengan kalsium. [Tesis]. Bogor: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, IPB University Bogor.

Kusnandar, F., Rahayu, W. P., Marpaung, A. M., & Santoso, U. (2020). Perspektif global ilmu dan teknologi pangan jilid 1. PT Penerbit IPB Press, Bogor, 100-102 (Write the cited page in the article).



Galey proof will be sent by email to correspondence author. The corrected proof should be returned within 1 working days to ensure timely publication of the manuscript.


Publication Fee is charged after accepted

Article publication fees (APC): 1,000,000 (IDR) per article up to 5 pages, for IAFT/PATPI non-members, and 500,000 (IDR) for IAFT/PATPI members, except for invited review article (there is no APC for this review article). Additional page will be charged 50,000 (IDR) per page. This journal has no print version


Manuscript should be submitted through online submission:

Web: https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jtip


Article's license

Authors who submit and publish with this journal agree to retain copyright and grant the journal/publisher non exclusive publishing rights with the work simultaneously licensed under a https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0