Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan (Indonesian Journal of Nutrition and Food) is an open-access scientific journal that publishes research article, study protocols, systematic reviews, and case studies in human nutrition and food sciences, mostly in the context of the developing and emerging countries, spanning the fields of nutritional biochemistry; nutrition care process in both clinical and community settings; functional, traditional, and novel foods; healthy diets; and sustainable food and nutrition, since 2006. It is published regularly 3 times a year (in March, July, and November).


Open Submissions  Indexed  Peer Reviewed


The entire review process is conducted using a double-blind review method. The administrator handles all correspondence with the corresponding author. The administrator sends the manuscript to the chief editor, who identifies the scope of the manuscript and appoints the technical editor as a preliminary reviewer. Should any revision be required, the administrator will notify the corresponding author. The section editor will evaluate the paper for suitability for the next stage of the review process. The chief editor and section editor subsequently assign two reviewers to review the revised manuscript. The review process can go through several cycles until the manuscript is deemed sufficient scientifically. Once the manuscript passes the review cycle, the final decision for publication comes from the chief editor.

There are 3 stages of revision that authors must go through: 1) revision of the manuscript to accommodate peer-reviewers' suggestions, taking 2–4 weeks; 2) revision to accommodate the Section Editors' suggestions, taking 2–4 weeks (if any); and 3) revision to accommodate editorial meeting suggestions, taking 2–3 weeks (if any). Manuscripts that exceed the revision deadline will be withdrawn. Authors may request an extension from the chief editor before the revision period expires. The time interval from the date of manuscript submission to the acceptance of the manuscript for publication varies, depending on the time required for review and revision.

Manuscripts are rejected usually for 3 general reasons: 1) the topics of the manuscripts do not fit in the journal scope and may be better suited for publication elsewhere; 2) the substance of the manuscripts does not meet Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan (Indonesian Journal of Nutrition and Food) standards, the data may be incomplete, the methodology used is not appropriate, there is a lack of novelty and no advancement of the existing knowledge, or there is no consistency among objectives, research design/method, evidence, and conclusion; and 3) the manuscripts are not written in English and do not follow the Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan (Indonesian Journal of Nutrition and Food) guidelines for authors. These manuscripts may be rejected without going through a review process. Manuscripts can also be rejected in the review process if the authors do not revise them as suggested by reviewers and the editorial board or if they do not respond or show rebuttal to the suggestions.

If a manuscript is rejected, the chief editor will notify the author with a statement of reasons for rejection. The author may appeal to the chief editor if he or she believes an unfair judgment has been made, in which case the author must enclose reasonable reasons. The chief editor will review and discuss the reasons with the section editor responsible for the manuscript and later decide whether to accept or deny the appeal.

Authors submitting manuscripts should understand and agree that the copyrights of manuscripts are held by Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan (Indonesian Journal of Nutrition and Food). The statement to release the copyright of a manuscript to Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan (Indonesian Journal of Nutrition and Food) is stated in an Author’s Statement Letter. The copyright encompasses exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, and sell any part of the journal article in all forms and media. The reproduction of any part of this journal, its storage in databases, and its transmission in any form or media will be allowed only with written permission from Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan (Indonesian Journal of Nutrition and Food).


Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan (Indonesian Journal of Nutrition and Food) has been published 3 times per year (March, July, and November) since its July 2006 edition. Kindly visit this link for a list of articles that have been published:


This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global knowledge exchange. All articles published will be available immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download