Author Guidelines
Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan (Indonesian Journal of Nutrition and Food) is an open-access scientific journal that publishes research articles, study protocols, systematic reviews, and case studies in human nutrition and food sciences, mostly in the context of developing and emerging countries, spanning the fields of nutritional biochemistry; nutrition care process in both clinical and community settings; functional, traditional, and novel foods; healthy diets; and sustainable food and nutrition. Published articles are original research articles on nutrition and food that have not been published elsewhere, nor are they under review by other scientific journals. Additionally, they must be the original work of the authors. Research articles will be recommended to include a frequently used checklist for completed research reporting, such as PRISMA for systematic reviews, CONSORT for randomized trials, or STROBE-nut or STROBE-MR for observational studies.
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The manuscript should be arranged with these sections: title, authors, affiliations, corresponding author’s contact details, abstract, keywords, introduction (background and objectives), methods, results and discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments, and references.
The manuscript should be typed using Microsoft Word and Times New Roman font at size 12, with a 4-cm left margin and 3-cm right, top, and bottom margins. It must contain about 4,000 words, excluding the title, list of authors, author affiliations, acknowledgments, declaration of conflict of interest, and references, with 1.5 spacing. It must contain a maximum of 20 pages. Appendices are unnecessary. The manuscript should be given line numbers in the left margin and written in English. Figures should be sent in the JPEG format. Decimals should be written using dots, as opposed to commas (e.g., 22.5% or 22.5), numbers in the thousands and millions should be written using commas (e.g., IDR 25,500 or USD 1,000), and large numbers can be written in words (e.g., 2 million for 2,000,000).
All submitted works will be checked using anti-plagiarism software with a maximum similarity percentage of 20%.
Title. The manuscript title consists of important and interesting keywords (variables), and it is not necessarily the same as the title of the research report/final project. Use of words such as influence, relationship, and analysis should be avoided. The title should be written in English, consisting of 10−15 words. A running title (6−8 words) for the header should be provided.
Authors. The list of authors consists of full names of authors (without academic titles), institutions/affiliations with full addresses and postal codes, and the phone number as well as electronic mail (e-mail) address of the corresponding author.
Abstract. The abstract contains a brief description of the research objectives, methods, results, and implications in a single paragraph. It should be written in no more than 300 words with single spacing. Keywords should reflect the content of the manuscript. Keywords consist of 3−5 words and should be alphabetized.
Introduction. The introduction consists of the background of the study and research objectives. The background of the study should explain the state of the art of the topic by referring to pieces of local and international literature as primary references.
Methods. The methods section for cross-sectional, case-control, and experimental studies consists of research design, location, and time; sampling method (sampling size and technique); data collection; and data analysis (statistical test). The methods section for laboratory research (food innovation, animal study) consists of research design, location, and time; materials and tools; procedures; and data analysis (statistical test). The author must write the ethical clearance number of his/her research. No tables or figures should be added to this section.
Results and Discussion. Results and discussion should be written in a single section. The results subsection presents data on the characteristics of the subjects/samples and findings of the research, while the discussion subsection contains arguments that relate and compare the findings with scientific theories, concepts, and findings from other studies. The discussion should be meaningful and not merely showcase the results (tables and figures). If applicable, implications of the research findings should be highlighted and supported with references.
Conclusion. This section contains answers to the research objectives and should not be a summary of the results. To provide recommendations is optional. Recommendations, if provided, should be written in a separate paragraph within the conclusion section. They can include implications for programs and suggestions for future research that is considered important to be carried out based on the current research results.
Acknowledgments. This section contains acknowledgments of the contributions of research grant donors or sponsors, contributors of samples/materials, and providers of research facilities. Individual names should be written without their academic titles.
Declaration of conflict of Interest. Write down "The authors have no conflict of interest" if the authors do not have any conflict of interest during the preparation of the manuscript.
List only references cited in the manuscript. Use relatively new references (should be from the last 10 years), with a ratio of primary references of about 80%. There should be 10−20 references and less than 30, and at least one should be an article published in Jurnal Gizi dan Pangan (Indonesian Journal of Nutrition and Food). The referencing style should be in accordance with the Harvard system, containing a name or names and year arranged alphabetically based on the author’s last name or authors’ last names. A maximum of 10 author names can be written; if there are more than ten authors in a reference, write the first 10 authors, followed by et al.
In-text citations are differentiated in terms of whether they are written at the beginning or the end of a sentence, e.g., for a single author: Khomsan (2014) or (Khomsan 2014); for two authors: Khomsan and Sukandar (2010) or (Khomsan & Sukandar 2010); for more than two authors Khomsan et al. (2013) or (Khomsan et al. 2013).
Authors are suggested to use reference management software, i.e., Mendeley, Zotero, EndNote, etc. Use the following guidelines when writing a list of references.
Tables or figures should be presented in the order of when they are called out in the text. The maximum number of tables and figures is 5 (five), respectively. Illustrations in the form of photos should be included in the JPEG format with a minimum resolution of 100 dpi or a minimum file size of 50 kb per image. Illustrations in the form of graphs must be accompanied by raw data (Microsoft Excel). The titles of tables and figures should be written in left alignment using sentence case.