Evaluasi Potensi Produksi dan Kualitas Tumbuhan Penutup Tanah sebagai Hijauan Pakan di Bawah Naungan Perkebunan di Jawa Barat
Evaluation of Production and Quality Covercrop as Forage under Plantation at West Java
Cover crop diversity under plantation area has potency to supply forage for animal farming. The research aim was to evaluate cover crop vegetation and to estimate plant production and quality under plantation at West Java. This research was conducted from May 2018 to April 2019 at public and private company around Bogor, Banten, Kuningan and Garut. In each area, there were selected 10 plots for plant identification with sample size was 50 cm x 50 cm. Biomass production and nutrient quality was sampled through 3 plots with sample size was 100 cm x 100 cm, forage was harvested and weighed then analyzed by proximate analysis. Diversity and biomass production were analyzed by R 3.6.2 software through Analysis of Variance(ANOVA) based on environment differences, then the significant results analyzed by LSD Test. The results showed that the highest biomass was sampled in Bogor i.e. 359 g m‑2 ±164.08 g m‑2 fresh weight and 71.22 g m‑2 ±45.91 g m-2 dry weight. Cover crop diversity varied around two to 32 species with percentage of area cover around 10-90%. Potential plants as forage were Panicum repens (lempuyangan), Paspalum conjugatum (jukut pahit) and Asystasia gangetica (ara sungsang). Dry matter content of composite forage was 18.3%-31.6%, crude protein was 4.57%-10.8%, crude fiber was 21.3%-25.7% and ashreached 11.2%-15.9%. It can be concluded that cover crop under plantation have potency to supply forage, especially in Bogor, however concentrate addition is needed to fulfil nutrient animal requirement due to the low quality forage.
Key words: biomass, cover drop, diversity, nutrient, plantation
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