About the Journal

Journal History

Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan (Nutrition and Feed Technology Journal) has been published from 1987, under the name Bulletin Makanan Ternak (Bulmater) which can be accessed through http://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/bulmater/index. Since 2018, this journal changed its name in purpose to adapt with latest conditions and the publication frequency is three times a year (April, August and December). Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan is published by Department of Nutrition and Feed Technology in collaboration with the Indonesian Association Nutrition and Feed Scientist (AINI) and the letter of agreement is attached.

Article published in Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan covers a wide range of research topics in the field of nutrition and feed technology, including agrostology, feed industry and technology, poultry nutrition, beef animal nutrition, draught animal nutrition, dairy animal nutrition, pet and prospectus animal, rumen microbiology, livestock microbiology, nutritional physiology, nutrient metabolism, molecular biology study related to feed nutrition, animal and its metabolism, and other studies relevant to current issues and topics in the field of nutrition and feed technology.

This journal has been registered in: Google Scholar and Portal Garuda with accreditation Sinta 3 starting from volume 16 no 2.


Open Access Policy

Manuscripts to be published are those assessed by 2-peer-reviewers by using double-blind review method and approved by the Editorial Board. All abstracts and full articles will be published and freely available (open access) for all readers to read and download. 


Peer Review Process

Article acceptance for publication in Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan (Nutrition and Feed Technology Journal) is determined by the Board of Editors and Reviewers. Article submitted to JINTP’s OJS will be accepted by the Editorial Board and then reviewed by the Chief Editor to determine whether article can be accepted with minor/major corrections or rejected. Rejection and acceptance of articles based on article criteria set by the Editorial Board. Articles written by a member of the Editorial Board are not reviewed by the person concerned to maintain the objectivity and quality of the writing.

The editor will send the received article to two reviewers, reviewer from outside IPB and reviewer from within IPB. Article is sent anonymously to reviewers to maintain the freedom of reviewers to read and correct the substance of the contents of the article (double-blind peer review method).  A reviewer is regulated by the system so he/she will not review his/her own article. The Chief Editor checks the suitability of the article format with the guidelines.

Three review results are recapitulated by the administration section of the journal then the review results were sent to the authors via OJS. The results of the revision of the article by the authors are sent back via OJS.

Article revisions by the authors are checked again by the Editor to check conformity with the results of the review by the reviewers. Articles in English or Abstract are examined by a certain team. The article is then laid out, checked for plagiarism using Turnitin.

The Editorial Board meeting is held to decide whether the manuscript is ready for publication. Before publication, the Chief Editor re-checks the layout of the article then the article is ready for publication.

The published articles can be found in the OJS/PKP.

The authors of the submitted manuscript have to understand and agree that the copyrights published are held by Jurnal Ilmu Nutrisi dan Teknologi Pakan. Copyrights includes rights in reproducing, distributing and selling every section of articles in all forms and media. The copyright transfer form is signed by the corresponding author. The author”
• Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)
you are allowed to:
Share – copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt – remix, transform, and build upon the material
for any purpose, even commercially.
The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.


Publication Frequency

This journal is published 3 times a year (April, August and December) with 7 articles.


Scientific Profession Organization

Indonesian Association Nutrition and Feed Scientist