Faktor Lingkungan dan Teknik Budi daya terhadap Epidemi Penyakit Mati Meranggas pada Pohon Pala di Aceh Selatan

  • Susanna Susanna Universitas Syiah Kuala
Keywords: climate change, disease incidence, disease progress, nutmeg disease, rainfall


Environmental factors and cultivation techniques are important in the development of plant diseases. These factors become the bases in determining disease control strategies. Therefore, an analysis of these factors is required especially for new reported diseases. This study aimed to identify environmental factors and cultivation techniques for the epidemic of dieback disease of nutmeg in South Aceh. Field observation to assess disease incidence were carried out in 36 plantations in 6 sub districts in South Aceh as nutmeg central production areas, i.e. Labuhan Haji, Meukek, Sawang, Samadua, Tapak Tuan, and Raja Raja. In addition, data collection was carried out on crop management and field condition.  Environmental data related to weather conditions were obtained from the local meteorology and climatology agency. Based on field observation, the highest disease incidence was observed on old trees (above 50 years), with a monoculture planting system and without weed control practices. Environmental factors that triggered dieback disease in South Aceh involved decreasing rain fall and rainy days, and topography variation.


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Author Biography

Susanna Susanna, Universitas Syiah Kuala
Prodi Proteksi Tanaman


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How to Cite
SusannaS. (2020). Faktor Lingkungan dan Teknik Budi daya terhadap Epidemi Penyakit Mati Meranggas pada Pohon Pala di Aceh Selatan. Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia, 15(6), 213-220. https://doi.org/10.14692/jfi.15.6.213-220