Direct Electric System untuk Mengeliminasi Nematoda Radopholus similis pada Medium Tanam Dracaena reflexa

Direct Electric System to Eliminate Radopholus similis Nematodes in Planting Medium for Dracaena reflexa

  • Rizkhi Indahsari Department of Plant Protection, IPB University
  • Supramana Supramana Department of Plant Protection, IPB University
  • Abdul Munif Department of Plant Protection, IPB University
  • Heriyanto Syafutra Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, IPB University
Keywords: cocopeat, export commodity, mortality, plant growth


Direct Electric System to Eliminate Radopholus similis Nematodes in Planting Medium for Dracaena reflexa

The Song of India plant (Dracaena reflexa) is an export commodity from Indonesia with destination to Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, Singapore, and Europe. The discovery of the root burrowing nematode Radopholus similis in the cocopeat planting medium leds to the issuance of a Notification of Non-Compliance (NNC) by the destination country. This research aimed to utilize the Direct Electric System (DES) technique to eliminate the R. similis nematode. The laboratory experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of using DES at various voltages, electrode distances, and exposure times in soil and cocopeat medium on R. similis mortality. The greenhouse experiments determined the impact of DES on R. similis mortality and D. reflexa plant growth. The research showed that mortality of the nematode in soil and cocopeat reached 83.46% and 86.17%, respectively by applying voltage of 1500 V, and electrode distances of 1 and 2 cm for 15 minutes. DES treatment at a voltage of 1500 V for 15 minutes on cocopeat medium did not reduce the growth of D. reflexa in the greenhouse.


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How to Cite
IndahsariR., SupramanaS., MunifA., & SyafutraH. (2024). Direct Electric System untuk Mengeliminasi Nematoda Radopholus similis pada Medium Tanam Dracaena reflexa: Direct Electric System to Eliminate Radopholus similis Nematodes in Planting Medium for Dracaena reflexa. Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia, 20(5), 217-225.