Sebaran Penyakit Daun Keriting Kuning pada Pertanaman Cabai di Sulawesi Tenggara dan Indentifikasi Penyebabnya

  • Muhammad Taufik Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Gusnawaty HS
  • Syair Syair
  • Rahayu Mallarangeng
  • Andi Khaeruni
  • Muhammad Botek
  • Sedyo Hartono
  • Noor Aidawati
  • Purnama Hidayat
Keywords: disease incidence, geminivirus, sequence, whitefly


Distribution of Yellow Curly Leaf Disease in Chili Plantations in Southeast Sulawesi and Identification of the Causes

Yellow curly leaf disease in chili plantations in Southeast Sulawesi has been reported since 2018, namely in East Kolaka Regency and Kendari City. Disease symptoms in the field are increasingly widespread, along with the expansion of chili cultivation. This study aimed to recalculate the incidence of yellow leaf curl disease in chili plantations in Southeast Sulawesi, identify insects associated with chili plants, and identify the causes of the disease. The disease incidence was observed in chili plantations in Bombana, South Konawe, Konawe, Kendari, East Kolaka, Kolaka, and North Kolaka Regencies. Whitefly identification was carried out based on morphological characters. Detection and identification of begomovirus using the polymerase chain reaction method, followed by sequencing analysis. The average yellow leaf curl disease incidence in seven districts is 36%-90%. The whitefly species found was Aleurotrachelus trachoides. Begomovirus-specific DNA fragment measuring 580 bp was successfully amplified from chili plant samples from seven districts in Southeast Sulawesi. Sequence analysis confirmed Pepper yellow leaf curl Indonesia virus infection in chili peppers in Kolaka, North Kolaka, Bombana, Konawe, and South Konawe Regencies.


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How to Cite
Muhammad Taufik, HSG., SyairS., MallarangengR., KhaeruniA., BotekM., HartonoS., AidawatiN., & HidayatP. (2023). Sebaran Penyakit Daun Keriting Kuning pada Pertanaman Cabai di Sulawesi Tenggara dan Indentifikasi Penyebabnya. Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia, 19(3), 89-98.