Aplikasi Metabolit Sekunder Trichoderma harzianum T10 dalam Formula Tablet Larut-air terhadap Penyakit Rebah Semai Mentimun
Aplication of Trichoderma harzianum T10 Secondary Metabolites in Effervescent Tablets Formula towards Cucumber Damping-off
Formulation of secondary metabolites of antagonistic fungi in effervescent tablets (water-soluble tablets, TLA) is a novelty. This research aimed to determine the effect of application of Trichoderma harzianum T10 secondary metabolites in effervescent tablets formulas on the in vitro growth of Pythium sp and on controlling damping-off in field pot testing. In vitro test consisted of four treatments, i.e. control and 1–3 tablets per 15 mL; while field pot testing consisted of five treatments, i.e. control and watering frequency from one up to four times with five replicates for each treatment. Variables observed were growth inhibition, incubation period, disease incidence, area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC), plant height, number of leaves, weight of fresh and dry plants, weight of fresh and dry roots, and phenolic compound. Data analysis indicated that T. harzianum T10 secondary metabolites in effervescent tablets formulas could inhibit the in vitro growth of Pythium sp.. One time application of T. harzianum T10 secondary metabolites in effervescent tablets formulas was able to control damping-off which is shown by delaying incubation period by 76.9%, reduce disease incidence by 85% and AUDPC by 85.35%-day; to increase plant growth by increasing plant height by 54.53%, number of leaves by 51.04%, weight of dry plants by 49.46%; and increase secondary metabolites (saponins, tannins, and hydroquinone) compound of plants.
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