Article Processing Charge

Starting in 2025, authors will be charged an Article Processing Charge (APC) of IDR 2,000,000 for
Indonesian authors or USD 200 for international authors for each accepted article. Jurnal Ilmu dan
Teknologi Kelautan Tropis only requires an APC upon acceptance and does not impose any submission
fees. Articles will only be published after the APC has been paid in full.
Manuscript submission requires the payment of the APC; however, payment does not guarantee
acceptance. All submitted manuscripts will undergo a thorough peer-review process. If a manuscript is
rejected, 70% of the APC will be refunded.
Authors facing financial constraints may request a fee waiver. We are committed to ensuring that
publication costs do not hinder the dissemination of research. For more information or to request a
waiver, please contact us via email.