Darmiati, I Wayan Nurjaya, Agus S. Atmadipoera


Shoreline changes are processes that occur due to the influence of coastal conditions in seeking the balance of the impacts that occur from natural factors and human activities. The coastal area of ​​Tanah Laut Regency South Kalimantan covers along the west coast and south coast region.  Physically this region is influenced by oceanographic dynamics of the Java Sea and the Barito River runoff that changes seasonally. This study aims to determine the shoreline changes of the West Coast area of Tanah Laut Regency, South Kalimantan. The data used are Landsat 8 imagery acquisition in 2016 to describe the current condition and Landsat imagery 7 the acquisition year 2003 as an initial condition. Data were analyzed to determine the shoreline changes that had accretion or abrasion of the coastline. The results showed that the coastline of the West Coast area of Tanah Laut regency experienced changes in abrasion and accretion conditions. Overall the coastal areas of Tanah Laut Regency dominated accretion than abrasion. In particular, cell numbers 3 and 4 have been recorded as abrasion areas; even the cells are near the estuary of Barito River.


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I Wayan Nurjaya
Agus S. Atmadipoera (Primary Contact)
Darmiati, NurjayaI. W., & AtmadipoeraA. S. (2020). ANALYSIS OF SHORELINE CHANGE IN WEST COAST AREA OF TANAH LAUT DISTRICT SOUTH KALIMANTAN. Jurnal Ilmu Dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis, 12(1), 211-222.

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