The Vulnerability Assessment of Flash Floods Disaster in the Upper Cisadane Watershed

Fitriany Amalia Wardhani, Andrea Emma Pravitasari, Iwan Ridwansyah


Flash floods is a sudden flood disaster that can be triggered by several factors, one of which is the landslides that occur in river basins. In Bogor Regency, there are fourteen sub-districts located in the Upper Cisadane watershed area that are prone to flash flood disaster. This study aims to determine social, economic, physical and environmental vulnerability assessment of the community in the Upper Cisadane watershed area based on the modification assessment from PERKA BNPB No. 12 Tahun 2012. According to the vulnerability index, the Upper Cisadane watershed has high and very high classes of flash floods vulnerability. Sub-districts with high vulnerability index class are Nanggung, Pamijahan, West Bogor, South Bogor, Central Bogor, East Bogor, Cibungbulang, Cigudeg, Leuwisadeng, and Sukajaya, meanwhile, sub-districts with very high vulnerability index are Caringin, Ciampea, Ciawi, Cigombong, Cijeruk, Ciomas, Dramaga, Kemang, Leuwiliang, Megamendung, Rancabungur, Rumpin, Tamansari, and Tenjolaya.


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Fitriany Amalia Wardhani (Primary Contact)
Andrea Emma Pravitasari
Iwan Ridwansyah
Author Biographies

Andrea Emma Pravitasari

Division of Regional Development Planning, Dept. of Soil Science and Land Resources, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University, Indonesia 

Center for Regional, Systems, Analysis, Planning and Development (CRESTPENT), LPPM IPB University, Indonesia

Iwan Ridwansyah

Research Center for Limnology and Water Resources, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia

WardhaniF. A., PravitasariA. E. and RidwansyahI. (2024) “The Vulnerability Assessment of Flash Floods Disaster in the Upper Cisadane Watershed”, Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan (Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management). Bogor, ID, 14(1), pp. 1-12. doi: 10.29244/jpsl.14.1.1-12.

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