Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • Manuscripts must be original, have not been published previously in any scientific journal, that manuscripts are not being submitted for publication elsewhere.
  • Manuscript should be in English
  • Submission file in Ms. Word type (.doc or .docx).
  • Author should prepare and submit two types of manuscript: 1) with author(s) name, and 2) without author(s) name
  • Authors should prepare manuscripts according to the Author Guidelines.
  • Author is asked to recommend at least three (3) names of reviewers. Please write the name(s) on Author's Statement form.
  • The manuscript should use the recommended template. Please download the template here
  • Manuscript should has maximum of 10 pages. Additional publication fee will be charged for every additional page.
  • Authors should entry ALL of the paper's contributors to the metadata as written in the paper. Journal administrator will not responsible for any revision related to author list in published paper.


To submit a manuscript to JPSL, please download and fill the Author Statement Form here:


The form should be signed by hand by all of the authors, and should be submitted along with the manuscript in the submission stage.




The Journal of Natural Resources and Environmental Management (JPSL) is an electronic journal, peer reviewed, multi-disciplinary journal devoted to the rapid dissemination of current research and the development of environmental science and natural resources management.


1. Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

1.1. General Guidelines

  • JPSL accepts and publishes texts in the form of research results and conceptual thinking based on a review of the results of various studies and books. The language used is Indonesian or English. The maximum number of pages, including illustrated manuscripts (pictures and tables), for manuscripts of research results and conceptual thinking based on the review of the results of various studies, is 10 pages.
  • Manuscripts are typed using the Microsoft Word program, or other word processing programs, on A4 paper format with Calibri font type measuring 10 points and 1 space for spacing between lines.
  • Each page of the manuscript is numbered in sequence.
  • Illustration of manuscripts in the form of images and/or tables grouped on separate pages at the end of the manuscript and clearly showing the position of the illustrations in the main body of the text.


1.2. Submission of manuscripts

  • The script writer must register as a JPSL member first through the site address as follows: http://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jpsl/user/register. On the site, the author must fill in the form, especially those marked with an asterisk.
  • After all entries in the form are filled out, given a choice in the Confirmation List section, whether as an author, reviewer, or both and click "Register" to get confirmation from the Editors-in-chief via e-mail that registration as a JPSL member has been received .
  • For writers who have become members of JPSL, the manuscript is sent by clicking "New Submission", which is available in the "User Home" section, and then followed by 5 steps that have been set, namely:
  1. Start
  2. Upload Submission
  3. Enter Metadata
  4. Upload Supplementary Files
  5. Confirmation


2. Format of Manuscripts

  • Manuscripts of research results are written and arranged in sequence: Title, Full name of the author, Affiliation and full address of the author, Abstract, Introduction, Method, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments (if needed), and Literature Cited.
  • Manuscripts of conceptual thinking based on a review of several research results are written and arranged in sequence: Title, Full name of the author, Affiliation and full address of the author, Abstract, Introduction, Several topic titles that systematically support the robustness of concepts and are the results of a review of several research results, Conclusions, Acknowledgments (if needed), and Literature Cited.
  • Manuscripts of the book review are written and arranged in sequence: Title, Full name of the author, Affiliation and full address of the author, Abstract, Introduction and Some topic titles that systematically support the robustness of concepts and are the results of a review based on the arrangement of sections or chapters of the book being reviewed, Conclusions, Acknowledgments (if needed), and Literature Cited.


3. Substance of Manuscripts

3.1. Manuscripts Title

  • Reflect the contents appropriately, does not contain words that reduce the effectiveness of the title and does not provide additional meaning.
  • Contains key words to facilitate searching electronically.

3.2. Author's Name

  • Names are written complete and without titles

3.3. Affiliation and full address of the author

  • The author's address is the address of the institution where the research activity is carried out and the institution where the author works (if the author is a student and has worked), which consists of: institution name, address and zip code, country name.
  • At the address of the correspondent's author, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses are also included.

 3.3. Abstract

  • Narratives are arranged in 1 paragraph and no more than 250 words.
  • Narrative is a background resume of problems, methods, results and discussion.
  • At the end, keywords are included, no more than 5 words, and arranged alphabetically.

 3.4. Introduction

  • Contains background or strong reasons for research, objectives, and hypotheses (if any) which are expressly state of the art.
  • Arranged in 3-4 paragraphs by limiting the reference library (which is really the main reference).
  • The purpose of the study is stated explicitly and written in the last paragraph along with a brief description of how the problem solving approaches.

3.5. Method

  • The location and time stating the place and time of conducting the field research are only written if the information is very typical and will affect the results if the research is conducted at a different location and time of the study.
  • The research method reflects the type of research used, namely exploratory, descriptive, correlational, causal, comparative, experimental, action research, modeling, theory analysis, or a combination of various types of research.
  • Contains details about research design, variables (variables) and measurements, limits on work variables, data collection techniques (both primary and secondary data), sampling procedures and laboratory analysis, models used, methods of data analysis.
  • If the method refers to standard procedures, write the standard. For example, standard procedures that are generally issued by the government (eg SNI from the Indonesian government, JIS from the Japanese government) or institutions (eg: ASTM, AOAC), or procedures that have been published.
  • For research using qualitative methods, explain the approach used, the process of gathering and analyzing information, and the process of interpreting the results of the study.

3.6. Results and Discussion

  • The results in general are narratives of the results of data analysis and presented descriptively or through illustrations (tables or images), which are included separately but given instructions for laying them in the contents of the text.
  • Discussion is a logical argument for interpretation and gives implications for the results obtained, including showing limitations of findings (if any)
  • Discussion is arranged in a series of paragraphs (opening, connecting and closing). The opening paragraph is a statement of thoughts or arguments. Supporting paragraphs are support statements derived from a number of relevant literature to support argumentation, while the closing paragraph is a general statement such as a small conclusion.
  • In the conceptual thinking text of the results of a review of several research results and books, this section is replaced by several topic titles based on a review of the results of research and parts of the book that support the robustness of the conceptual thinking.

3.7. Conclusion

  • Conclusions are answers to predetermined goals and are not intended as a summary of results.
  • Conclusions are generalizations from the results of research and author arguments, or brief statements that are the nature of the Results and Discussion section or the results of testing various hypotheses that are related and can be supported by reference literature.
  • Written in 1 or 2 paragraphs.

3.8. Acknowledgment

  • Acknowledgment only to the appropriate parties: funders (sponsors), material donors, and research facilities. If scientific work is sourced from research grants from sponsors, write down the contract number.
  • All names listed have been confirmed and are willing to be included and published.

3.9. Citation and reference

  1. JPSL uses citation style from Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI). All citations in the text must be numbered consecutively in square brackets, before any punctuation.
  2. JPSL recommends that references be prepared with a bibliography software package such as Mendeley or Zotero. 
  3. JPSL encourages the citation of primary research over review articles, where appropriate, to give credit to those who first reported a finding. Authors are responsible for ensuring that the information in each reference is complete and accurate. We recommend author to use Mendeley reference manager software to create the reference list. The most of references are primary ones (last five years). Reference list should be ordered based on its appearance in the main text. Reference list will be set based on MDPI Remote Sensing style. You may download the citation style for Mendeley and Zotero from these links:

    Mendeley: https://csl.mendeley.com/styleInfo/?styleId=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.zotero.org%2Fstyles%2Fremote-sensing

    Zotero: https://www.zotero.org/styles/multidisciplinary-digital-publishing-institute

4. Procedures for Writing Numbers and Symbols

4.1. Numbers and Numerals

  • Numbers that state the range and are written in the text can be separated from the words up to (for example: ... from 1974 to 1978 ...), whereas if written in a table, the dashes en (-) (1974-1978) are used.
  • Decimal marks in numbers are expressed as dots (0.24) instead of commas (0.24).
  • In writing texts that have a series of numbers with decirals, among decirnal numbers are commas (... respectively 3.4, eg ...).
  • Writing 1.1234 x 103 is more common than 0.11234 x 104-


4.2. Magnitude, Unit and Symbol

The unit refers to the International Unit System, abbreviated SI (Systeme International d'Unitesy).


5. Procedures for Making Illustrations

5.1. Table

  • The table consists of 5 main parts, namely the number and title of the table, stump heads (leftmost column, stub), column head, information field, and table-foot notes.
  • The important dividing line is only 3, the direction is horizontal, and the resting line is the rest must be made as needed.
  • Each table in the body of writing must be given a number and a unique title. Between the table number and the first letter of the table title are given a distance of 2 beats. Between the table title and the top line of the table are spaced 3 pt.
  • The table title is short and as informative as possible, without ending the dot.
  • The table title is placed in the middle of the table field; if the table title consists of more than one line, the first letter of the second row is placed straight with the first letter of the table title.
  • If it cannot be avoided, a table that exceeds one page can be truncated and continued on the following page with the table title (continued) and column head.
  • If the unit used is the same in all tables, the unit can be written in the table title; if it only applies in one column, write the units in the column head; if it only applies on one line, write it in the row head.
  • Footnotes and captions are used to add information that cannot be displayed directly in the table and are not contained in the body of the writing, and can be (a) information about the limitations that exist in the data, (b) the statistical results of benchmarking, and (c) information about the results of other people's research.
  • For instructions footnotes are used superscript and are placed in a part of the table that requires additional information (column, row head, or on certain data in the information field).

5.2. Picture

  • Selection of data presented in the form of research results in the form of images can be graphs, flow charts, charts, maps, or photographs, with a maximum size of 3 (three) images can be placed in a row in 1 page of the manuscript.
  • Title of the picture (a) is a phrase (not a sentence) statement about the image in a concise manner, (b) provides brief information that can be understood by the reader without having to read the body of writing, (c) declaring information keys only, and (d) stand-alone phrase and can explain the meaning of the image.
  • The title of the image - which can be in the form of one sentence or more - is placed 2 spaces below the image, in the middle of the image area, and begins with a capital letter and does not need to end with a dot except if there is additional information about the data presented
  • How to put pictures in the text just like how to place tables in the text as explained in the previous section.

Examples of tables and images

Tabel 1  The average and standard deviation of some soil physical and chemical properties from 78 soil samples in the Ciheuleut Experimental Garden

Soil properties


Standard deviation




Clay (%)






CEC in FC (g g-1)a



SWC in PWP (g g-1)



aThere are 70 soil samples; CEC: cation exchange capacity, SWC: soil water content, FC: field capacity, PWP: permanent wilting point