p-ISSN: 2087-4235
e-ISSN: 2541-1659
Submission Guidelines
Marine Fisheries Vol. 7 November 2016 edition published various of topics, such as fishing gear technology, management of capture fisheries and seaport. Articles with fishing gear technology topic include study of artificial bait on the kite fishing in Bangka Strait, North Sulawesi, combination of pineapple leaf fiber and chitosan for eco-friendly fishing gear materials, size distribution of anchovy (Stolephorus sp.) caught in stationary liftnets at Sungsang estuary, South Sumatera”; and the performance of slurry ice refrigerator with sea water raw material in tropical area. Under fisheries management topic, articles published include dynamic pattern of degradation of shrimps catch as an effect of sedimentation and industrial waste in Segara Anakan, growth, mortality and exploitation level of Pokea (Batissa Violacea var. Celebensis, von martens 1897) at Estuary Segment in Lasolo River Southeast Sulawesi, an internal and external analysis of small-scale coastal fisheries management in Tegal City, estimation of standard catch per unit effort and juvenile proportion of tuna fishery in Southeast Sulawesi, agroindustry development opportunities of based sea fisheries in Sub Village of Payangan, Village of Sumberejo Sub District of Ambulu, District of Jember, standing biomass of the mole crab (Crustacea: Decapoda: Hippidae) in Cilacap and Kebumen Sandy Beaches, Central Java”. Meanwhile, Articles with port topic can be found in the articles entitle transshipment activities estimation in tuna longliner base on VMS data and catch composition and significant environmental aspects at Jakarta Nizam Zachman Fishing Port.
Editorial Office Marine Fisheries Journal Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Building, IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University)
Jln Agatis, Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia Phone: +62-856-9248-7080 e-mail: marfish.journal@gmail.com |
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