p-ISSN: 2087-4235
e-ISSN: 2541-1659
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Jurnal Marine Fisheries Volume 10 Nomor 2 Edisi November 2019
Jurnal Marine Fisheries Volume 10 Nomor 1 Edisi Mei 2019
Marine Fisheries - Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Perikanan Laut - Mei 2018
Marine Fisheries - Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Perikanan Laut - November 2017
Marine Fisheries - Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Perikanan Laut Vol 8, No 1, Mei (2017)
Marine Fisheries Vol. 7 November 2016 edition published various of topics, such as fishing gear technology, management of capture fisheries and seaport. Articles with fishing gear technology topic include study of artificial bait on the kite fishing in Bangka Strait, North Sulawesi, combination of pineapple leaf fiber and chitosan for eco-friendly fishing gear materials, size distribution of anchovy (Stolephorus sp.) caught in stationary liftnets at Sungsang estuary, South Sumatera”; and the performance of slurry ice refrigerator with sea water raw material in tropical area. Under fisheries management topic, articles published include dynamic pattern of degradation of shrimps catch as an effect of sedimentation and industrial waste in Segara Anakan, growth, mortality and exploitation level of Pokea (Batissa Violacea var. Celebensis, von martens 1897) at Estuary Segment in Lasolo River Southeast Sulawesi, an internal and external analysis of small-scale coastal fisheries management in Tegal City, estimation of standard catch per unit effort and juvenile proportion of tuna fishery in Southeast Sulawesi, agroindustry development opportunities of based sea fisheries in Sub Village of Payangan, Village of Sumberejo Sub District of Ambulu, District of Jember, standing biomass of the mole crab (Crustacea: Decapoda: Hippidae) in Cilacap and Kebumen Sandy Beaches, Central Java”. Meanwhile, Articles with port topic can be found in the articles entitle transshipment activities estimation in tuna longliner base on VMS data and catch composition and significant environmental aspects at Jakarta Nizam Zachman Fishing Port.
In the Marine Fisheries Journal published in May 2016, shows the outcomes from researchers in technology and management of marine fisheries.
As regularly, the study presented in Marine Fisheries Journal consists of two main themes, namely technology and management of marine fisheries. Activities in marine fisheries technology can be seen in the study on blinking light used to increase catch from trap fishing gear, study on single echo detector method used for measuring the strength target and fish stock, as well as study on existence of fish aggregating devices and its relation to fish community structure in spatial-temporal.
Study in fisheries management can be seen in the study about efficiency productivity and tuna longline fishery index and troll line, co-existence of fishery activities on the bridge of oil and gas, fishermen satisfaction on the port services, juvenile proportion on tuna fisheries, squid fisheries bio-economic model, and an examination of factors that influence the performance fisheries development.
All praises be to God for publication of Marine Fisheries Journal Volume 6 Number 2 (November 2015). In this edition there are several peer-reviewed topics including fisheries management, fishing gear technology, and fisheries socio-economic. There are eight articles in fisheries management topic, they are about resource analysis of skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) in Pohuwato, Gorontalo Province; analysis of degradation and depreciation of big pelagic fish using handlines, abundance of zooplankton and anchovy biomass on lift nets fishery in the Kwatisore, Cendrawasih Strait, Papua Province, mackerel fish in the Sunda Strait, catch composition of purse seine related to responsible fishing technology; comparison on catch and catch-rate of handline fishing vessels, and feeding habit of silky shark landed at Muncar Coastal Fishing port East Java. In addition, there is also an article on technology-themed; effect of underwater lamp intensity in the lift net fishing catch. Besides that, there is a socio-economic themed article entitled the study of catch production market value at Nizam Zachman Ocean Fishing Port and Muara Angke fish landing.
All praises be to God for releasing Marine Fisheries journal Volume 6 Number 1 (May 2015) edition. There are several themes published in this edition, such as fisheries management, fishing technology, fishing port, and fish transportation. Peer-reviewed articles of management themes consist bioeconomic approaches for sustainable tuna fisheries management in East Flores Regency, bioeconomic and optimization analysis for flying fish management in Muna, Southeast Sulawesi, fish as raw material for processing industry in Karangantu fishing port, relationship between mangrove crab (Scylla sp.) and substrate in Silvofishery shrimp ponds in Eretan, Indramayu, the dynamic populations of savalai hairtail (Lepturacanthus savala) in the Sunda Strait, and the achievement of monitoring programs for tuna fisheries in Indonesia.
There are two articles on technological issues; the impact of difference hook size on handline catches in Sabutung Island, Pangkep and exploitation rate of fish caught by purse seine in Sunda Strait. In addition, there is an article on fishing port topic i.e. basic facilities requirement of Lampulo fishing port for the next 15 years. And the last issued article is fishing transportation theme entitled melting ice on different ice shapes.
All praises be to God for releasing Marine Fisheries Journal Volume 5 Number 2 (November 2014). In this edition there are several peer-reviewed articles in consecutive topic such as management of capture fisheries, fishing gear technology, fishing vessels, and fisheries economics. The management-themed articles illustrated in a strategy of capture fisheries industry cluster model development and optimization analysis of small-scale fishing fleet in West Seram District. The technology-themed peer-reviewed articles include about design of spiral elver trap and bait selection and an article about plastic shapes to catch Babylonia spirata.
In addition, the article on the fishing vessel discusses about safety aspects in terms of ship stability and regulation on pole and liner in Bitung. Furthermore theme of fishery economic presented on an article about feasibility of purseiner business in Lampulo fishing port in Banda Aceh.
Marine Fisheries Journal Volume 5 Number 1 (May 2014) provides peer-reviewed articles in fisheries technology and management. Technology-themed articles include an article paper on a study of LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) used as an alternative fuel for fishing boats and an article on construction improvement of elver traps. In addition, the fisheries management-themed include on several peer-reviewed articles on fisheries development in various regions in Indonesia and its utilization status, sustainability capture fisheries, trophic level in a fishing ground, and the evaluation of supply chain in a shipyard.
Journal of Marine Fisheries, Volume 4 Number 2, November 2013 edition, presents various topic studies to support sustainability of fishery resources management in Indonesia. The articles published in this edition include eight peer-reviewed articles, including study on fisheries resources, fisheries management strategies and selectivity of fishing gear.
In this edition, the Marine Fisheries Journal also presents a study of catch quality and cargo arrangement on a fishing board to maintain safety for fishing vessels and the cargo. In the recent and future studies, catch quality and fishermen safety during fishing operation should be addressed in Indonesia.
The Marine Fisheries Journal is back in Volume 4 Number 1 (May 2013). In this edition the Marine Fisheries presents ten peer-reviewed articles in marine technology and fisheries management. Marine fisheries technology studies include a study of polyurethane insulation density on traditional fishing vessels, a model for testing design and construction of danish seine, a study of utilization of stingray by-catch for gelatin and a study on determination of thermal front and upwelling as indicators for potential fishing ground using remote sensing technology. In addition, we also publish articles on marine fisheries management that include a study on small scale fisheries financing, grouper biology parameters, interconnections of minapolitan primary commodity markets, sustainable capture fisheries, a model of brown-marbled groupers sea-ranching, and functional and institutional approaches in fresh fish marketing analysis.
Marine fisheries in November 2012 presents several peer-reviewed articles as results of scientific studies conducted by various authors from various institutions. Research topics in this edition are fishing capture technology and fisheries system and management.
Assessment of technological problems is presented in articles that discuss about effect of different attractors to catch juvenile lobsters, a study on a relationship between mesh size and shortening of gillnet, and a research on bait selection and fork hook size. In addition, this edition also includes peer-reviewed articles on implementation of quality management in fishing industry, a study on speargun fishing status in Karimunjawa Islands, and a typology analysis of interaction pattern within fisheries stakeholder.
Editorial Office Marine Fisheries Journal Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Building, IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University)
Jl. Lingkar Akademik, Department of Fisheries Resource Utilization - Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor 16680, Indonesia. Phone: (0251) 8622935 e-mail: marfish.journal@gmail.com; marfish.journal@apps.ipb.ac.id |
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