Insentif Ekonomi dalam Penggunaan Lahan (Land Use) Kawasan Lindung di Kawasan Bandung Utara (Incentive of Economy for Land Use in The North Bandung Area)
DOI record not available45-53Abstract View : 1187Download :1464 -
Keragaman Avifauna pada Lahan Bekas Tambang Emas PT Kelian Equatorial Mining, Kutai Barat Kalimantan Timur (Variety of Avifauna on Land Ex-Gold Mining PT Kelian Equatorial Mining West Kutai, East Kalimantan)
DOI record not available54-60Abstract View : 746Download :1161 -
Erosi Tanah Akibat Operasi Pemanenan Hutan (Soil Erosion Caused by Forest Harvesting Operations)
DOI record not available61-65Abstract View : 1286Download :5085 -
Struktur Benih dan Dormansi pada Benih Panggal Buaya (Zanthoxylum rhetsa (Roxb.) D.C. (Structure and Dormancy of Panggal Buaya Seed (Zanthoxilum rhetsa (Roxb.) D.C.))
DOI record not available66-74Abstract View : 2680Download :7643 -
Metode Estimasi Massa Karbon Pohon Jeunjing (Paraserianthes falcataria L Nielsen) di Hutan Rakyat (Method for Estimation of Tree Carbon Mass of Paraserianthes falcataria L Nielsen in Community Forest)
DOI record not available75-82Abstract View : 963Download :1464