Identifikasi dan Uji Patogenisitas Penyebab Penyakit Hawar Daun Pada Suren (Toona sureni Merr.) (Identification And Pathogenicity Test of Leaf Blight Pathogen on Toona sureni MERR.)
DOI record not availableAbstract View : 1090Download :2731 -
Effect of Blue Stain on the Toughness of Benguet Pine (Pinus Kesiya Royle Ex. Gordon) Wood
DOI record not availableAbstract View : 432Download :416 -
Analisis Spasial Degradasi Hutan dan Deforestasi: Studi Kasus di PT. Duta Maju Timber, Sumatera Barat (Spatial Analysis on Forest Degradation and Deforestation : a case study in Duta Maju Timber, West Sumatera)
DOI record not availableAbstract View : 4424Download :7944 -
The Effects of Climatic Variations on Peat Swamp Forest Condition and Peat Combustibility
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Epidemiologi Hawar Daun Bibit Pinus Merkusii yang Disebabkan oleh Pestalotia theae (Epidemiology of Needle Blight on Pinus Merkusii Seedlings Incited by Pestalotia theae)
DOI record not availableAbstract View : 699Download :1179 -
Nilai Ekonomi Air Domestik dan Irigasi Pertanian: Studi Kasus di Desa-Desa Sekitar Kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun (The Economic Values of Water for Domestic and Agricultural Uses: Case Study in the Villages Surrounding Halimun Mountain National Pa
DOI record not availableAbstract View : 853Download :871