Pendugaan Biomasa di Atas Tanah di Ekosistem Hutan Primer Dan Hutan Bekas Tebangan (Studi Kasus Hutan Dusun Aro, Jambi) (Estimating above-ground biomass in the primary and logged-over forest ecosystem (Case study Dusun Aro forest, Jambi))
DOI record not availableAbstract View : 1182Download :803 -
Mutu Modal Manusia dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi
DOI record not availableAbstract View : 1253Download :2353 -
Ketahanan Komposit Kayu Plastik Polistirena terhadap Serangan Jamur Pelapuk Coklat Tyromyces palustris (Decay Resistance of Wood Polymer Composite (WPC) Against Brown Rot Fungi Tyromyces palustris)
DOI record not availableAbstract View : 927Download :1145 -
Beberapa Metode Pemecahan Dormansi Benih Leucaena leucocephala (Lmk. de Witt.) dan Beberapa Fungi Patogenik yang Berasosiasi dengan Benih (Some Methods for Breaking the Seed Dormancy of Leucaena leucocephala (Lmk. de Witt.) and Some Pathogenic Fungi Asso
DOI record not availableAbstract View : 463Download :571 -
Analisis Strategis Sistem Pengelolaan Repong Damar di Pesisir Krui, Lampung (Strategy Analysis on Management System of Repong Damar at Pesisir Krui, Lampung)
DOI record not availableAbstract View : 1698Download :2255 -
Mycorrhizal Inoculum Production Technique for Land Rehabilitation
DOI record not availableAbstract View : 568Download :3187