Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia (Journal of Indonesian Agribusiness) is a periodical scientific journals of agribusiness in Indonesia. This journal is media of information dissemination which is the thinking results and research of lecturers, researchers and practitioners who are interested in agribusiness development. This journal is expected to help the agribusiness practitioners, policy makers, lecturer, students, and other people to get better understanding of the situation and condition of Indonesian agribusiness. Especially, benefit for the Indonesian agribusiness development and generally for improving the welfare of the Indonesian people. This journal is published twice a year (June and December Edition). 

On 06-05-2020 Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia (Journal of Indonesian Agribusiness) was published under the Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Economic and management IPB University in associated with Agribusiness association of Indonesia (AAI). It's MOU can be downloaded here.

Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia (Journal of Indonesian Agribusiness)  has been Accredited SINTA Rank 2 by Directorate General of Research and Development Strengthening, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenristekdikti RI) which is valid for 5 (five) years since November 2024. According to decree No. 177/E/KPT/2024, also Indexed CABI, EBSCO, Google Scholar, Garuda and other scientific databases.

p-ISSN 2354-5690 e-ISSN 2579-3594

Vol. 12 No. 2 (2024): Desember 2024 (Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia)

Published: 2024-12-27

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