Keberlanjutan Pertanian Berbasis Pesantren di Kota Tasikmalaya
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The phenomenon of Islamic boarding schools today is to add life skills in their learning. Providing life skills aims to equip students in terms of skills, especially in the agricultural sector. The learning must be clearly structured and directed to ensure social, economic, ecological, regulation and institutional sustainability. The importance of sustainability is to maintain the existence of pesantren-based agriculture. This research aims to identify the sustainability of pesantren-based agriculture in Tasikmalaya City. It was conducted from January to July 2024 at Pesantren Islamic Leader School and Pesantren Hidayatul Mustafid. Primary data collection used survey method by interviewing 132 respondents and 2 key informants. Secondary data were obtained from statistical data of related agencies. The analytical tools used were descriptive analysis and Rapid Aparsial for Pondok Pesantren (Rap-Pontren) to diagnose sustainability. Based on the findings of the analysis, Islamic boarding school agriculture is classified as quite sustainable for the social and ecological dimensions, this is due to the seriousness of the Islamic boarding school in managing agriculture so that they produce superior commodities. However, it is less sustainable for the economic, regulation and institutional dimensions, this is because agricultural institutions related to pesantren have not been formed so that the flow of costs and revenues has not been clearly recorded.
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