Analisis Daya Saing Ekspor Rumput Laut Olahan Indonesia

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Aries Dwi Adiguna
Bayu Krisnamurthi
Erwidodo Erwidodo


Indonesia is one of the main exporters of seaweed in the world market. Seaweed traded consists of raw products and processed products. Processed seaweed products are in the form of gelatin with HS code 130231 and carrageenan with HS code 130239. The high demand and value of processed seaweed products is an opportunity for Indonesia. The total world demand for agar in 2018 was 275,188,000. US$ increased 4.9 percent from the previous year, while carrageenan in 2018 had total world demand amounted to 1,131,820,000 US$, an increase of 8.4 percent from the previous year (ITC, 2019). This research aimed to analyze the competitiveness of processed seaweed and determine policies to increase Indonesian processed seaweed exports in the world market. The data in this study used secondary data. The competitiveness of processed Indonesian seaweed products is measured using Revealed Comparative Analysis (RCA) and Export Product Dynamic (EPD). The results of the analysis showed that processed Indonesian seaweed in the form of carrageenan and agar has comparative competitiveness in the world market. The position of competitiveness in the main destination countries with rising star status has strong competitiveness, but the increasing demand for processed seaweed in the world has caused Indonesia to lose the opportunity to optimize its profits. Indonesia needs to increase the quantity of processed seaweed exports in the form of carrageenan and agar by encouraging domestic investment to develop the seaweed processing industry sector.


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How to Cite
AdigunaA. D., KrisnamurthiB., & ErwidodoE. (2022). Analisis Daya Saing Ekspor Rumput Laut Olahan Indonesia. Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia (Journal of Indonesian Agribusiness), 10(1), 31-39.
Author Biography

Aries Dwi Adiguna, Departemen Agribisnis, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Manajemen, Institut Pertanian Bogor

Jl. Kamper Wing 4 Level 5 Kampus IPB Dramaga, Indonesia


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