About the Journal
Becoming an Indonesian journal in the field of conservation of tropical forest resources, environment and ecotourism which has an international reputation.
Disseminating the achievements of researchers, to the national, regional and international community by publishing the latest and quality research in the field of tropical forest conservation, environment, biodiversity and ecotourism.
Focus and Scope
Media Konservasi Journal is published by the Department of Forest Resources Conservation and Ecotourism (Departemen Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan & Ekowisata/DKSHE), Faculty of Forestry & Environment, IPB University in collaboration with the Indonesian Biological Association (PBI). The Journal focuses on publications in the field of tropical forest conservation, environment, biodiversity and ecotourism, especially within Southeast Asia region. The Journal accepts manuscripts covering all aspects of ecology, landscape ecology, in-situ and ex-situ conservation of wildlife, remote sensing and GIS application, sustainable use of plants and wildlife, ethnobotany, bioprospecting, ecotourism, management of conservation & protection areas, urban forests, environmental services and education.
Types of paper
Research Article: Research articles that have never been published anywhere. The composition of the manuscript is as follows:
- Title
- Authors’ full names and affiliations, corresponding author marked
- Name of corresponding author along with phone E-mail information
- Abstract
- Key words
- Introduction
- Method
- Result
- Discussion
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgements
- References
Research Notes/Scientific note/Short Communications: The manuscript is a way to quickly communicating significant findings so that they are known by researchers in the same field. Article length ranges from 2,000-3,000 words. The composition of the manuscript is as follows:
- Title
- Authors’ full names and affiliations, corresponding author marked
- Name of corresponding author along with phone E-mail information
- Abstract
- Key words
- Short Communication
- Acknowledgements
- References
Technical paper: This type of paper is a short manuscript that provides a brief explanation of certain developments, techniques or procedures, or can explain modifications of techniques, procedures or devices (hardware/software) that have practical value in biodiversity conservation efforts. The composition of the manuscript is as follows:
- Title
- Authors’ full names and affiliations, corresponding author marked
- Name of corresponding author along with phone E-mail information
- Abstract
- Key words
- Technical notes
- Acknowledgements
- References
Book Review: This type of manuscript is a brief critical evaluation or review of the book on the topic of conservation & ecotourism. Maximum manuscript length is 2000 words which contains items as follows.
- Title
- Authors’ full names and affiliations, corresponding author marked
- Name of corresponding author along with phone E-mail information
- Abstract
- Key words
- Book review
- Acknowledgements
- References
Opinion: This type of manuscript is a brief opinion on the topic of conservation & ecotourism. Maximum manuscript length is 2000 words which contains items as follows.
- Title
- Authors’ full names and affiliations, corresponding author marked
- Name of corresponding author along with phone E-mail information
- Abstract
- Key words
- Opinion
- Acknowledgements
- References
Publication Frequency
Media Konservasi Journal is published 3 times a year. Starting in 2024, the Journal's publication period has changed, namely from April, August and December to January, May and September. Media Konservasi also has the capability to publish special issues. These special issues allow us to focus on specific themes, often related to emerging or under-researched topics.
Author is defined as an individual who has made a significant contribution to the study. An author should: (1) have a substantial contribution to the conception or design of the work, analysis, and interpretation of data for the work, (2) actively involved in the writing process in terms of intellectual content, (3) approve the final version to be published. All contributors that meet all of the above criteria should be listed as authors.
Publication Decisions
Comments and suggestions from reviewers are taken seriously and weighed based on their expertise. However, Media Konservasi Journal Editor reserves the final decision. The editor of Media Konservasi Journal is responsible for the final decision on article acceptance based on the reviewer's opinions, suggestions, and comments.
Special Issues
As the publisher, we ensure that the Editor-in-Chief holds full responsibility for the content of the entire journal, including all special issues, which must fall within the journal's defined scope. Special issue articles will receive the same level of editorial oversight as regular submissions, including external peer review, and will be clearly labeled as part of a special issue.
We are committed to verifying and approving the credentials of all guest editors before they are appointed. The Editor-in-Chief, or designated members of the editorial board, will closely oversee the work of guest editors to maintain the journal’s high standards.
To ensure the integrity of the peer review process, any papers submitted to a special issue by the guest editor(s) will be subjected to an independent review process. Additionally, such submissions will make up no more than 25% of the total content of the special issue.