Aims and Scope
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis (JITKT) is a scientific journal in the field of tropical marine science and technology. We have aims and scope to focus on publishing good quality scientific articles for the dissemination of research results in the field of marine science and technology.
- As a media of information and dissemination of research results in marine science and technology, especially in the waters of Indonesia and Southeast Asia region,
- Could actively and continuously disseminate the best research results to various stakeholders, and;
- This Journal of Tropical Marine Science and Technology can improve the quality of research results and benefit stakeholders.
The article, published in this Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis covers a wide range of research topics:
- marine biology,
- marine ecology,
- biological oceanography,
- chemical oceanography,
- physical oceanography,
- dynamical oceanography,
- coral reef ecology,
- marine acoustic,
- marine remote sensing,
- marine geographical information system,
- marine microbiology,
- marine pollution,
- marine aquaculture,
- post-harvest fisheries technology,
- integrated coastal management (ICM),
- marine biotechnology,
- air-sea interaction,
- ocean engineering,