The seismic data generated during the acquisition contain complex wavelets and noise such as multiple which results in decreasing temporal resolution of the seismic section. This study aims to compare the application of Surface Consistent Deconvolution (SCD) and predictive deconvolution methods in increasing temporal resolution of seismic sections in 2D shallow water seismic data line C12, C21 and L18 of Waipoga Waters, Papua. This research applies SCD and predictive deconvolution methods. Surface Consistent Deconvolution is applied by decomposing seismic wavelets into source, receiver, offset and midpoint, while predictive deconvolution is applied by making predictions from seismic traces that containing short periods multiple. The seismic sections produced in this study show that the application of both predictive deconvolution methods and SCD can eliminate short-period multiple that found in seismic sections. The Surface Consistent Deconvolution method provides better results in increasing the temporal resolution of seismic sections than predictive deconvolution methods. These results are achieved because SCD method provides better results in compressing the wavelets, increasing the continuity of layers and sharpening the reflectors.
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