Author Guidelines

Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pembangunan (JEKP) is a journal that contains articles covering research results, policy analysis and opinions related to the economy that is currently developing both nationally and internationally. JEKP focuses on broad economic topics, which include regional and political economics, industrial economics, development economics, employment economics, international trade, as well as monetary and banking economics. The articles published in this journal are of high quality and elaborate on the development of economic modeling, and economic policy analysis.


Jurnal ekonomi dan kebijakan pembangunan publish research results with specifications in the fields of economics, development policy and other related fields. Articles can be written in Indonesian or English and have not been published before.

Jurnal Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pembangunan published every six months every year, in July and December.

Copy rights of published articles belong to the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management, IPB University. Manuscripts must be within the scope and subject focus of the journal. Authors should refer to the instructions below when preparing manuscripts for submission on the online journal system (OJS) page. All applications will be reviewed by one editor and at least two reviewers. Upon submission, the Editor in Chief will assign the manuscript to the appropriate Editor for further handling. The editor will ask at least two scientists to review the manuscript. Based on comments from reviewers, the Editor, and the Editor in Chief will make a decision on the manuscript.

Writing Standard

Artikel Articles can be written in Indonesian or English in Microsoft word (doc) format, with the following conditions: The number of manuscript pages between 20 - 25 pages. The manuscript is written in two columns with Times New Roman. Conjunctions (and, in, or with, also, about, that, against, so, because, then, for,) and prepositions (in, to, from, in, in, through) is written in lowercase. Tables and graphs using the Microsoft Excel program and images using the JEPG format.Istilah asing dicetak miring (italic) dan dicetak tebal (bold) untuk judul dan sub judul. Manuscripts are arranged in the following order: Title, author's name, full name and address of each author's institution, abstract, introduction, method, results and discussion, conclusion and references.

Guidelines for Manuscript Content


The title must be short, clear, specific, and informative that accurately reflects the content of the manuscript. The title must be at least 14 words long (excluding conjunctions) written in Indonesian or English. Every word in the title of the manuscript begins with a capital letter, except for conjunctions that are not located at the beginning of the title. The author's name is written in full. The name of the institution/institution is written for all authors accompanied by complete addresses (Affiliation of the Author, contains the name of the institution/organization/place of work/author's work/place of study). Correspondence author is equipped with the first author's e-mail address.


Manuscript abstracts are written in two languages ​​(English and Indonesian). For manuscripts in Indonesian, the Indonesian abstract is placed above English and does not exceed 200 words in each paragraph. Abstract written in its entirety describes the essence of the manuscript which contains background, methods, results and conclusions, and contains all key words.


Key words of a maximum of 5 (five) words or phrases written 2 spaces after the abstract, and italicized JEL classification to categorize related research fields is indicated from

Keywords are written with the number of 3-7 keywords.


The introduction is written efficiently and describes the background, objectives and supporting literature.


The method is written completely and in detail so that the research is very likely to be repeated by other researchers, especially matters relating to models, procedures, data collection and processing.

Results and Discussion

The description and discussion of the results should be made separately. Contains the results obtained as well as interpretations associated with the results of previous studies.


Conclusions are general that describe the substance of the research results obtained, not a summary of the results.


The source of the citation and the reference must be the same. The reference writing format refers to The Chicago Manual of Style (CMS). It is recommended to use Mendeley for citation and writing Reference. Reference using the last 10 years reference with a minimum proportion of 40% of journal literature: The libraries used are primary libraries (journals, dissertations, theses, and patent documents) that are relevant, citations are not allowed as references, such as: Greene in Hariyanto (2010). Authors must refer to manuscripts that have been published in the JEKP for the relevant topic. Quotation of literature from the internet is only allowed from sources that can be accounted for, such as journals, government or private agencies. Writing literature from the internet to include the date of data collection.

Some examples of writing reference sources are as follows:

Example of Writing Scientific Periodic Articles

Print form

Writer's name. Publication Year. Article title. Scientific Periodic Name. Volume (issue): pages. doi number.

Electronic Form

Writer's name. Publication Year. Article title. Renewal name; download time [downloaded year month date]; volume (edition): location. Notes. (bold is an additional part to refer to via the internet). Scientific periodicals [Internet].

Sudirman LI. 2010. Partai purification of antimicrobial coumpounds isolated from mycelia of tropical Lentinus cladopus LC4. Hayati J Biosci. 17(2):63-67.doi:10.4308/hjb.17.2.63.

Examples of Writing Reference Sources from Books

Satria A. 2009. Pesisir dan Laut untuk Rakyat. Bogor (ID): IPB Pr.

Nasoetion AH. 2002. Pola Induksi Seorang Eksperimentalis. Saefuddin A, editor. Bogor (ID): IPB Pr.

[IPB] Instiut Pertanian Bogor. 2010. Panduan Program Pendidikan Sarjana Edisi Tahun 2010. Bogor (ID): IPB Pr.

Examples of Writing Reference Sources from Proceedings

Articles in books

Writer's name. Publication Year. Article title. In: Proceeding editor's name, editor. Title of Publication or Name of Scientific Meeting or both; Meeting time (Year month date); City of meeting place, State name. Place of publication (Country code): Name of publisher. Article page.

Articles downloaded from the internet

Murdiyarso D. 2005. Sustaining local livelihoods through carbon sequestration activities. A search for practical and strategic approach. Di dalam: Murdiyarso D, Herawati H, editor. Carbon forestry, Who Will Benefit? Proceedings of Workshoop on Carbon Sequistration and Sustainable Livelihoods [Internet]. [Meeting time and place unknown]. Bogor (ID): CIFOR. pp. 1-16; [downloaded 2010 Jan 7]. Available on:

Thesis, Thesis, Dissertation

Writer's name. Publication Year. Title [type of publication]. Place of institution (country code): The name of the institution where the scientific work is available.

Septiani D. 2011. Sintesis 1-(-2-hidroksifenil)-3-fenilpropana-13-dion dari o-hidroksiasetofenin dan benzoil klorida [skripsi]. Bogor (ID): Institut Pertanian Bogor.

Tables and Figures

Tables and Figures must provide clear, complete and independent information (provide complete and clear information even though it is read without text). The title is a short, clear and informative sentence. Capital letters are only used at the beginning of the first word of the title. Title of the table is placed above the table (the space between the title and the table is 0.5 cm), while the title of the image is placed under the image. Tables and Figures are numbered sequentially with numbers (1, 2, 3,..). (Example: Table 1. Xxx, Figure 1. Xxx).Fonts in Tables and Figures use Times New Roman with a size of 10 pt. The dividing line is made horizontally (horizontally) consisting of three lines, namely two at the top (column title) and one at the cover of the table, and vertical lines in the table are not permitted. Each abbreviation or symbol used in the table is always given a description below the table as a brief explanation of the abbreviation or symbol. The source contains the name of the institution and the year it was published

[Example: Ministry of Trade (2018)], written right below the table or figure. The source font is Times New Roman with a size of 10 pt.

Additional Terms

Writing decimal numbers in tables for Indonesian and English separated by a dot (.). The writing of decimal numbers is limited to three digits behind the comma (Example: 0.259). Writing the numbers in the thousands for the Indonesian language separated by spaces. Heading: Heading, typed in capitals, bold, placed in the middle. Sub-heading, typed using a capital letter at the beginning of the word, placed in the middle and bolded Sub-sub-heading, typed using capital letters only at the beginning of the sentence, placed at the beginning of the paragraph, bolded, and followed by a period. The text is typed two taps after the sub-sub-heading title.

Article Submission

Articles are sent in two copies: one with your name, e-mail address, and the name of the institution; while another copy without name, e-mail, and institution to be sent to bestari partners for blind review. Articles are submitted through the Online Journal System (OJS) or sent to the JEKP Editor. E-mail:; by attaching a statement that the manuscript to be submitted to JEKP has not been published in any journal.

Manuscript Determination and Publishing Process.

The determination of whether or not the manuscript will be published is determined by the JEKP Expert Editorial Board. The manuscript under review is a manuscript that complies with the JEKP writing rules. The author is obliged to improve the manuscript according to the suggestions of the reviewers. The copyright of the published manuscript belongs to JEKP.

The process of reviewing the manuscript from submission to publication of the manuscript is as follows:


Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Economics and Development Policy will go through a screening stage by the editor, if the results of the screening exceed the provisions set by JEKP, the manuscript will be rejected and returned to the author. JEKP uses turnitin to check the level of plagiarism in the author's manuscript, the maximum limit set by JEKP is 25%. If the screening results are less than the provisions set by JEKP, the manuscript will enter the next stage, namely the review stage by the reviewer. At this stage the reviewer will review the manuscript that has passed the screening stage, the results of the review will be sent by the reviewer to the editor to be conveyed to the author that the manuscript needs revision. The editor will send the manuscript that has been reviewed by the reviewer to be revised according to the results of the review to the author. Authors who have revised their manuscripts send the revised results to the editor for re-screening. The results of the revision that have been re-screened by the editor are returned to the reviewer, whether the revision results from the author are correct and in accordance with the results of the previous review. At this stage, the reviewer has the right to decide whether the manuscript is suitable for publication or still requires revision. The author's revised manuscript based on the reviewer's results will be reviewed by expert editors of JEKP based on their respective competencies. The approval of the publication is made based on the consideration of the reviewer and the quality of the author's improvement results according to the suggestions of the reviewer: If the reviewer decides that the manuscript still needs revision, the manuscript will be returned by the reviewer to the editor which will then be returned by the editor to the author to make revisions. (reviewers): If the reviewer decides that the manuscript is suitable for publication, the manuscript will be continued to the next stage by the editor. This stage is the final stage, after the reviewer and the Chief Editor decide that the manuscript is worthy of publication, the technical editor will raise the status of the manuscript to publishing.

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Department of Economics

Faculty of Economics and Management, IPB University.

 Agatis street, kampus IPB Dramaga, Bogor 16680, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Telephone/Fax   : (0251) 8626602

