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Fajar Firmana
Rita Nurmalina
Amzul Rifin


Efficiency is an important aspect for farmer that can be used as a measuring tools to make a decision regarding production among available options. There are many different types of efficiency on the farm businesses level, technical efficiency is the one important to note. The objectives of this research is (1) to describe the farming techniques and the use of paddy production inputs, (2) to evaluate the technical efficiency of paddy farm, and (3) to identify the factors that influence the technical efficiency of paddy farms in Kalibuaya Village, Telagasari district, Karawang regency. To analyze the data, data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach and tobit regression are applied. In 2014 growing season, farmers were did not use the inputs in the right amount as being recommended by the instructor, such as the use of seed and fertilizer. The use of Urea, NPK, and labor had the largest percentage of input slacks when compared to the other production inputs. Farmers could reduce the use of urea by 19,173 kg, NPK by 19,319 kg, and labor by 1,385 HOK to make the paddy farm technically efficient. One of the factors that can greatly influence the improvement of farming technical efficiency is the socio-economic factors. Factors that affecting the technical efficiency of paddy farm in Kalibuaya Village were the age, the level of formal education, the use of organic fertilizers, and farming experience. Using the right amount of inputs as recommended by the government can improve the efficiency of paddy farm.


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FirmanaF., NurmalinaR., & RifinA. (2017). EFISIENSI TEKNIS USAHATANI PADI DI KABUPATEN KARAWANG DENGAN PENDEKATAN DATA ENVELOPMENT ANALYSIS (DEA). Forum Agribisnis : Agribusiness Forum, 6(2), 213-226. https://doi.org/10.29244/fagb.6.2.213-226


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