Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Budidaya Selada Krop di CV. Cantigi Desa Cikandang Kecamatan Cikajang Kabupaten Garut

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Anne Rizky Ramadhanty
Sulistyodewi Nur Wiyono
Kuswarini Kusno
Lucyana Trimo


Lettuce head as a vegetable commodity has a high enough business opportunity, seen from the development
of hotels and restaurants in Indonesia that serve foreign cuisine using lettuce. The purpose of this study was
to determine the feasibility of lettuce head farming in CV.Cantigi. This research was carried out in
CV.Cantigi, Cikandang village, Cikajang District, Garut Regency. The design of this research is descriptive
quantitative with the research technique is a case study The method of data collection is done by interviews
with informants, observations, and literature studies. The determination of the informant was carried out
purposive. Analysis of the data used is non-financial feasibility and financial feasibility (Net Present Value,
Internal Rate of Return, Net Benefit/Cost Ratio, Payback Period, and Profitability Ratio). The results showed
that 1) The income of lettuce head farming in CV.Cantigi in one growing season is IDR 120.821.846; 2) The
lettuce head farming in CV. Cantigi is feasible in terms of market aspects, technical aspects, management
aspect, and social, economic, cultural and environmental aspects. Similarly, financially, lettuce head
farming in CV.Cantigi is feasible to do with an NPV value of IDR 286,076,736.8, IRR 51,87%, Net B/C Ratio
is 4.32, Payback period occurs at 8 years 8 months and profitability ratio of 101.78%. Suggestions for
further research there is further research on production technologies that can optimize the use of other
production factors to increase production results.


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How to Cite
RamadhantyA. R., Nur WiyonoS., KusnoK., & TrimoL. (2020). Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Budidaya Selada Krop di CV. Cantigi Desa Cikandang Kecamatan Cikajang Kabupaten Garut. Forum Agribisnis : Agribusiness Forum, 10(1), 27-35.
Author Biography

Anne Rizky Ramadhanty, Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Padjadjaran

Jl. Raya Bandung Sumedang KM.21, Kec. Jatinangor, Kab. Sumedang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia


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