Adoption of Online Service Innovation at Departement of Population and Civil Registration Samarinda City
The Smart City concept is an effort to use technology to optimize services to the community. One of the forms of Smart City is an online service for society's affairs by government institutions. This study aims to find out how innovation adopting process of online service via WhatsApp by the Department of Population and Civil Registration (Disdukcapil) of Samarinda City employing the Diffusion Theory of Innovation. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The data were gathered using field research techniques, including observation and in-depth interviews with purposive sampling technique to determine informants. The result of this study is that the online service via WhatsApp Disdukcapil was successfully adopted from the knowledge stage to the confirmation stage because it was considered as needed and more flexible by the informants. Pamphlets and banners are the essential channels for disseminating initial information on the innovation. The results show that interpersonal communication between the society and government representatives acts as the vital process of exchanging information for adopters to obtain additional information. Informants' ability of the technology affects their perception of relative advantage, suitability, and complexity of the innovation.
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