Honey adulteration is mostly conducted by the addition of sucrose. In this study, the authentication of honey was conducted using ATR-FTIR and chemometrics. Pure honey samples (MA) were collected from nine regions in East Kalimantan. The ATR-FTIR spectra of these samples were then compared to sucrose-adulterated honey (MS), which were prepared in the sucrose concentration from 2.5 to 50% (v / v).The data analysis was performed using chemometrics techniques: 1) Principle Component Analysis (PCA) method, 2) classification with Discriminant Analysis (DA), and 3) regression with (PCR) and (PLS). As a result, PCA was able to visualize the differences between MS and MA. DA analysis was able to distinguish MS and MA at wave numbers from 1200 to 800 cm-1 with 92.5% performance index. Quantitative calibration models of the sucrose-adulterated honey could be obtained from PLS and PCR, while the best calibration model was obtained with the PLS method from the 2nd derivative spectra. In summary, sucrose-adulterated honey from East Kalimantan can be authenticated using ATR-FTIR method in combination with chemometric analysis.
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