Association between Pre-Conception Health and Nutrition Knowledge- Attitude-Practice and Anemia among Pre-Marital Women in Sleman, Indonesia

Muhammad Ridwan Ansari, Febriani Putri, Wulan Nangley, Bernadette Josephine Istiti Kandarina


The study aimed to assess the association between pre-conception health and nutrition Knowledge-Attitude-Practice (KAP) and anemia among Pre-Marital Women (PMW). In this cross-sectional study, Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) measurement, 24-hour food recall interview, blood sample collection, and validated KAP questionnaire interview were conducted to 111 PMW in Sleman in 2021. The study found that 21.6%, 14.4%, and 49.1% of PMW had Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED), anemia, and lack of minimum dietary diversity, respectively. The proportions of PMW with adequate KAP were 70.5%, 67.8%, and 64.3%, respectively. Pre-conception health and nutrition practices are associated with anemia (p<0.05), but knowledge and attitude are not.


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Muhammad Ridwan Ansari
Febriani Putri
Wulan Nangley
Bernadette Josephine Istiti Kandarina (Primary Contact)
AnsariM. R., PutriF., NangleyW., & KandarinaB. J. I. (2023). Association between Pre-Conception Health and Nutrition Knowledge- Attitude-Practice and Anemia among Pre-Marital Women in Sleman, Indonesia. Jurnal Gizi Dan Pangan, 18(Supp.1), 49-51.

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