Milk Supplementation as a Potential Intervention for Overcoming Anemia and Chronic Energy Deficiency during Pregnancy

Sandra Fikawati, Ahmad Syafiq


This study aimed to determine the effect of milk supplementation on Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) and hemoglobin level in pregnant women. It is a quasi-experimental study conducted from May to August 2019. The sampling was done by purposive sampling, and 108 pregnant women were recruited and divided into two groups: intervention group and non-intervention group. The intervention group received Fe-fortified milk supplementation, and the non-intervention group received education on anemia prevention. Data were analyzed using paired t-test. The result was that providing milk supplementation to pregnant women for three months could significantly increase MUAC and prevent further decline in hemoglobin levels.


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Sandra Fikawati (Primary Contact)
Ahmad Syafiq
FikawatiS., & SyafiqA. (2023). Milk Supplementation as a Potential Intervention for Overcoming Anemia and Chronic Energy Deficiency during Pregnancy . Jurnal Gizi Dan Pangan, 18(Supp.1), 43-45.

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