Utilizing echocardiography to monitor heartworm treatment with melarsomine: A clinical evaluation in a dog

  • Anton Susilo PDHB Drh. Anton SAP, Ruko Gyan Plaza Jalan Terusan Pasirkoja No. 32B, Bandung, 40232, West Java, Indonesia
  • Yovita Devina PDHB Drh. Anton SAP, Ruko Gyan Plaza Jalan Terusan Pasirkoja No. 32B, Bandung, 40232, West Java, Indonesia
  • Theo Hemagiri PDHB Drh. Anton SAP, Ruko Gyan Plaza Jalan Terusan Pasirkoja No. 32B, Bandung, 40232, West Java, Indonesia
  • Theo Hemagiri PDHB Drh. Anton SAP, Ruko Gyan Plaza Jalan Terusan Pasirkoja No. 32B, Bandung, 40232, West Java, Indonesia
  • Resma Ismawati PDHB Drh. Anton SAP, Ruko Gyan Plaza Jalan Terusan Pasirkoja No. 32B, Bandung, 40232, West Java, Indonesia
Keywords: dirofilariasis, dog, echocardiography, melarsomine, heartworm treatment


Dirofilariasis is a parasitic disease caused by nematodes in the blood vessels and heart. Echocardiography serves as a diagnostic test to confirm the presence of these worms and assists in staging the disease to determine an appropriate treatment protocol. This case study explored the monitoring of dirofilariasis therapy using cardiac ultrasonography. The results from the case study showed that no adult worms were detectable within the cardiac chambers 19 days after melarsomine treatment, highlighting the efficacy of this therapeutic approach in resolving heartworm infections.


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How to Cite
SusiloA., DevinaY., HemagiriT., HemagiriT., & IsmawatiR. (2024). Utilizing echocardiography to monitor heartworm treatment with melarsomine: A clinical evaluation in a dog. ARSHI Veterinary Letters, 8(3), 63-64. https://doi.org/10.29244/avl.8.3.63-64

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