Development of Calf Mesenchymal Stem Cells through Wharton’s Jelly Umbilical Cord Explant Primary Culture

  • Riris Lindiawati IPB University
  • Arief Boediono IPB University
  • Wahono Prasetyaningtyas IPB University
  • Mawar Subangkit IPB University
Keywords: attachment, mesenchymal stem cell, outgrowth, Wharton's jelly


Currently, the use of calf mesenchymal stem cell Wharton's jelly (MSCWJ) could be an alternative for pet animal therapy. The benefits of MSC included regulating cell signaling pathways, low immune system rejection in allogeneic administration, no risk of malignancy, stable storage, and easy transportation. Calf umbilical cord culture had not been reported on the development of WJ explants, especially the growth process of WJ explants from attach to confluent. The aim of the study was to determine the development of calf umbilical cord WJ explants. Factors examined included explant attachment, outgrowth appearance, cell morphology, and cell confluence. Explants were able to attach as much as 42% on day 8 of culture and 88% (day 12). Cell outgrowth was observed in 45% of explants (day 8) and 100% (day 12). The visible cell morphology was fibroblastic. Cell confluence was obtained on day 12, day 16, and day 20 at 3%, 83%, and 100%, respectively


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