Publication Ethic

Ethics Policy
Acta Veterinaria Indonesiana is a journal whose articles are peer-reviewed by experts in veterinary medicine, animal science, and related fields. Acta Veterinaria Indonesiana publishes scientific articles in various fields related to veterinary medicine and animal science. Acta Veterinaria Indonesiana is expected to become the premier scientific work registration and documentation system and a veterinary discussion forum.

Acta Veterinaria Indonesiana must be capable of ensuring that all endeavours to publish scientific studies adhere to academic ethics. Consequently, we believe it is critical to equate stakeholders' perspectives in a standard ethical framework to create a comfortable system to avoid the emergence of issues due to a conflict of interest in the future. This declaration is a policy statement issued by Acta Veterinaria Indonesiana regarding issues of public interest and malpractice to be used as guidance for relevant parties.

Acta Veterinaria Indonesiana adheres steadfastly to universal publication ethics for all relevant parties in publishing scientific articles, including authors, editors, reviewers, and publishers.


Plagiarism is recognized as dishonourable and unethical behaviour by authors. Authors must submit writing and refrain from publicising them in whole or in part in other journals until the Acta Veterinaria Indonesiana responds to the eligibility of the submitted article.

Each author's name in the article should be qualified as an author. Each author should have significantly contributed to the written article, including ideas, construction, information gathering, data processing, interpretation of results, and decision-making process. Those who play a significant role in the investigation but do not meet the requirements as authors can have their names written in the acknowledgment.

Corresponding authors are accountable for ensuring that some who play a crucial role in the study have their names listed as authors. The corresponding author should also send a form (Form A) to the representative of the authors asserting that they had already wholly accepted the most recent version article and approved to submit the manuscript for publication.

The Author's Responsibility

Authors must include authentic, precise, and credible scientific data. Authors must keep quoting libraries that have influenced the article, whether it is an article in a printed or online journal or the results of personal interviews. The authors' article had to go through the assessment by reviewers that the Acta Veterinaria Indonesiana has arranged. The author must provide authentic and factual information (no plagiarism or falsification) in the article and provide metadata if needed. Articles decided to submit to Acta Veterinaria Indonesiana should not be sent to other journals, were not evaluated by other journals, and were not even accepted for publication in other journals. If a small piece of data is published, the source should be cited, or a written thank you should be given in the acknowledgment section of the article. When reprocessing data from a source, quotation and permissions are required. Animal research should be conducted under ethical and animal welfare standards. Any potential conflicts of interest in financial support, research process, or connections with someone or an institution that may impact the investigations must be proclaimed. All funds that assist the researcher or the study's funder should be addressed. Suppose the author discovers and knows any mistakes or errors in his article. In that case, he must inform the chief editor so that the article can be revoked, clarified, and corrected. If necessary, the authors should be willing to apologize for their errors. Requests to reduce, add, or change the author's arrangement to an accepted article must be approved by the editor and completed before the paper is published.


Peer reviewers are supposed to provide feedback, help editors adopt policies on articles reviewed, and assist authors in increasing the quality of their publications. The editors should be informed of the peer reviewers' righteousness and the possibility to review articles forwarded to them. The rest of the article should be treated with confidentiality while editing.

The entire review procedure should be objective by rationale and refraining from personally critiquing the author. The reviewers should have no personal interest in the researcher's or research funders' research. If the edited article is unsuitable for publication, its confidentiality should be maintained so that it is not misused by someone else without the authors' permission.


Editors are fully authorized and dedicated to accepting or rejecting a manuscript submitted by authors. Editors should not have a financial incentive to accept or decline a manuscript.

The editorial staff should be neutral and accurate when editing the manuscript. The scientific weight of the publications must be used to evaluate a manuscript, regardless of the authors' ethnic, religious, racial, geographical location, race and sex, citizenship, or political beliefs. Acceptance of an article by the editorial staff should be based solely on intellectual merit and should not be influenced by financial interests.

If the manuscript is less worthy of publication, the editors should keep it undisclosed so that others do not use it without the authors' permission. The namelessness of reviewers should be well-maintained by editors.


As a publisher of Acta Veterinaria Indonesiana, School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, IPB University, in cooperation with Indonesia Veterinary Medical Association, always encourages editors to comply with the commonly adopted scientific article writing practice.

Publishers work collaboratively with authors, reviewers, and editors to ensure academic honesty throughout the peer review process. Publishers also ensure journal reliability and encourage journal development in a positive direction.

Animal Ethics

Animal welfare and ethics should be followed when researching experimental animals. The experimental animals should be well cared for and used as little as possible to minimize pain during treatment. The use of experimental animals must follow local, national, and global regulations. The authors must include a statement stating that the experiment was carried out under animal welfare and ethics, as well as the name of the ethical institution and the consent number.

Authors could refer to International Standards for Editors and Authors ( by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) for policies not stated in these instructions.

Editorial Board of Acta Veterinaria Indonesiana
ISSN 1411-8327 / 2477-5665
School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
IPB University
Jl. Agatis, Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor, Indonesia , 16680