Livelihood Resilience of Floating Market Traders in Banjarmasin : a Gender Lens of Livelihood Sociology

  • Dhea Dasa Cendekia Zairin IPB University
  • Arya Hadi Dharmawan IPB University
  • Bayu Eka Yulian IPB University
Keywords: floating market, gender, household, livelihood resilience, traders


The floating market is a unique marketplace compared to other marketplaces, because the trading activities take place by boat on the river. The difference in boat sizes owned by men and women traders can indicate different socio-economic status of the traders. In order to improve the economic status, household members usually take up a number of additional activities to meet various needs. Various sources of income may be gained from trade and non-trade sectors. This research is a quantitative research supported by qualitative data. The data collection used questionnaires as a tool for gaining quantitative data and in-depth interviews for obtaining qualitative data. The purpose of this research is to analyze the structure of household income of the traders, the mechanism of adaptation to survive, and the factors that support the achievement of livelihood resilience of male and female floating market traders household. The results of this study indicate that female floating market traders are the important breadwinners in the household. In addition, with all the limitations, women traders’ adaptability to achieve livelihood resilience is better than male traders. The ability to use their own resources is the key to achieving livelihood resilience for women traders of floating market.


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How to Cite
ZairinD. D. C., DharmawanA. H., & YulianB. E. (2021). Livelihood Resilience of Floating Market Traders in Banjarmasin : a Gender Lens of Livelihood Sociology. Sodality: Jurnal Sosiologi Pedesaan, 9(3).