Rational Choice Practices for Village Women as MSMEs in Kediri Regency in Improving the Family Economy

  • Moh. Hamzah Fansuri Departement of Sociology University of Airlangga, Surabaya -60286, Indonesia
Keywords: family economy, gender equality, MSMEs Kediri, rational choice, women's role


This writing aims to find out and analyze the practices of village women who join MSMEs actors in the Kediri Regency in improving the family economy. It is interesting to study in-depth the gender equality and the construction that women in gender equality build as actors or drivers of these MSMEs. This study uses qualitative research methods with an interpretive approach, while the theory used is a rational choice theory. The results of this study explain that: 1) The rational choice of women MSMEs in Kediri Regency is due to awareness, encouragement, and opportunities in running the micro business by playing the role of actors and existing resources. 2) The process of forming rational choices for women MSMEs in Kediri Regency is due to a solid determination to achieve goals and the pressure of the family economy. 3) The formation of capital for MSMEs actors in Kediri Regency is in various ways: (a) providing a sales mechanism initiative, (b) building social capital, (c) establishing norms, and (d) instilling trust.


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How to Cite
Hamzah FansuriM. (2023). Rational Choice Practices for Village Women as MSMEs in Kediri Regency in Improving the Family Economy. Sodality: Jurnal Sosiologi Pedesaan, 11(1), 86-96. https://doi.org/10.22500/11202345522

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