Peer-review Process
- All procedures and decisions are independent, transparent, and accountable.
- ALBACORE screens routinely article submissions for plagiarism. Only manuscripts that fit the journal's scope, with less than 25% similarity (Turnitin checking), and conform to the journal format will be further processed for review.
- The final decision is up to two months (eight weeks) after receipt of a well-formatted manuscript unless additional review is needed or it depends on the author's response or revision.
- Authors can submit manuscripts for the first time in any format. Manuscripts are sent online using the OJS system or by email. The editor will assess the suitability of the scope, research quality, feasibility of the data set, originality, and similarity (the editor will check with Turnitin). An initial decision will be made within 2-5 days of submission. A quicker initial decision will help authors if they are going to submit manuscripts to other journals.
- In making decisions, the Chief Editor can ask for suggestions from the Editorial Board. The chief editor can delegate certain manuscripts to the associate editor if necessary. The Associate Editor will act as the Chief Editor.
- After manuscripts are approved for review, the author must submit the manuscript per the writing instructions or the format on the template provided. If there are general suggestions regarding the manuscript from the editor, it must be included in the revised manuscript. The author submits the revised manuscript only in OJS. The submission date of the revised manuscript ready for review is taken as the submitted date.
- The peer-review process is carried out in a double-anonymized system. Neither the author nor the reviewer knows each other. For this reason, authors and reviewers remove traces of names in the metadata of submitted files.
- The review process is carried out by three reviewers whose scientific fields correspond to the material to be reviewed. Authors may propose three names of reviewer candidates to the editor. The editor can choose reviewers from the author's suggestions or appoint other reviewers who are more suitable. The editor selects reviewers independently, based on scientific considerations, and is not influenced by any interests.
- Manuscripts approved by at least two of three reviewers will be forwarded to the author for revision. The revised results follow suggestions and input from reviewers. The reviewer's recommendation and the revision results are the basis for rejecting or accepting the manuscript by the editor.
- Manuscripts approved for publication are then checked for language, writing errors, suitability of format, suitability of references, and other completeness of the manuscript. The results of this check are returned to the author for revision. The delivery date of the final revised manuscript is used as the revised date.
- Next, the manuscript is submitted to the Chief Editor for a final decision. The final decision date is determined as the accepted date.