Author Guidelines
- Manuscript must be in original version, have not been published previously in any scientific journal. If the paper have been published in other scientific journal or author(s) do another fraud (such as plagiarism, data forgery, etc.), then the author(s) cannot published the paper on Marine Fisheries for 3 (three) times publication.
- Manuscript must be in the line of research topics.
- Research study within latest 4 years.
- Authors must be follow the content of manuscript before submitted.
- The journal is published four times a year; February, May, June and November.
Space Coverage
ALBACORE: Journal of Marine Fisheries Research contains research results / studies covering aspects of technology, management, and policies of marine fisheries widely.
Corresponding Author
Please, report clearly who is responsible for correspondence at all stages of refereeing and publication, including post-publication. Make sure that telephone and fax numbers (with country and area code) are provided in addition to the e-mail address and the complete postal address. Full postal addresses must be given for all co-authors.
- Title must be written in English
- Name of author(s), institution, address, and email are written as for references
- Abstract must be written in English, no more than 250 words
- Key words should be written in minimum 3 (three) words and no more than 5 (five) words or phases
- Main Text: consist of Introduction (included purpose of research), research methodology, result, discussion, conclusion, advice, acknowledgements, and bibliography
- Enclosing of biographical data which included all writers who participate on a separate sheet from the manuscripts (covering full name, complete home and institute’s addresses)
- Manuscript typed with MS-Word application within 1.5 space, 4 cm left margin, 3 cm bottom margin, and 3 cm right margin format. Paper size should use A4 with font size 12 and Times New Roman font type. Maximum of pages are limited to 20 pages only (including tables and pictures)
- Title of Manuscript should less than 15 words and representing the content of manuscript then followed by the name of writers. The occupation of writers, institute and addresses can be written as a footnote on first page. (Addresses of all writers should complete and full for correspondences purpose)
- Abstract is summary of research and contain less than 250 words. Keyword 3 -5 words.
- An introduction in summary explains the problems, purposes and the importance of research. Please do not use sub chapters.
- Research Method in brief explains stages of research and also explains material and tools in order to give a chance to other researcher to repeat another research that related with the current research.
- Result and discussion must be separated
- Result presented with clear and brief without unnecessary detail information.
- Discussion is research discussion related with the result and comparing with the others scientific literature (literature and result of previous related research).
- Foreign Terms or foreign words can be written in italic format
- Latin Name from some species can be written in italic format.
- Numbers format of decimal numbers should be written using comma (,) .The number of thousands should be written with full stop (.). Currency format should include the currency such as IDR 1.000 (for Rupiah), US$ 1.000 (for US Dollar).
- Conclusion presented with clear and brief and considering the title of manuscript, purpose and result of research.
- Advice covering the result of research and advising the next expansion / development of research can be done.
- Acknowledgements
- References composed and arranged based on alphabet without serial / sequential number as follows:
Author names. Published year. Article Title. Published place: Published Name
Archdale MV, Kariyazono L, Anasco CP. 2006. The Effect of Two Pot Types on Entrance Rate and Entrance
Behavior of the Invasive Japanese Swimming Crab Charybdis japonica. Fisheries Research Journal. 77(3): 271–274.
Tupan CI, Uneputty PA, Mamesah JAB. 2005.
Hubungan Kepadatan Kepiting Bakau (Scylla spp.) dengan Karakteristik Habitat pada Hutan Mangrove
Perairan Pantai Desa Passo, Ambon. Jurnal Ichtyos. 4(2): 81-86.
Sudirman, Mallawa A. 2000. Teknik Penangkapan
Ikan. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
Davey K. 2000. Decapod Crabs [Internet]. [diunduh
2011 Juli 28]. Tersedia pada:
[IPB] Institut Pertanian Bogor. 2012. Pedoman
Penulisan Karya Ilmiah. Bogor: IPB Pr.
Unpublished publications are not able to be use as references, except thesis and dissertation as follows:
Nurani TW. 1996. Usaha Perikanan Longline Tuna Beku Sasimi dan Kemungkinan Pengembangannya
[tesis]. Bogor: Institut Pertanian Bogor.
Scientific literature minimum 80% came from journal and at least 80% are the recent literature (at least the last 10 years).
- Reprinting (Reprint)
Author(s) will receive free reprint as much 2 copies. If the manuscript composed from more than one author, allocation of each copy will be given to one who involved.
Manuscript can be send to email address:, or send directly to: Editorial team Journal of ALBACORE, Jl. Lingkar Akademik, Department of Fisheries Resources Utilization – Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Bogor Agricultural University – Bogor 16680 |